My daughter gets out of work at night and want her to have something for her safety on her key ring. What should she have? Pepper spray? Where do you get something like that?
Good Luck...keep your family wonderful!!!
Dear L.,
I am a certified women's self-defense instructor and have read several studies on pepper spray. While there have been cases of women defending themselves successfully with this product, these women make up a relatively small percentage of the pepper-spray owners who have been attacked. Among the women who own pepper spray, what separates the women who use it successfully from the women who simply forget they have it, don't use it correctly, or have it used against them? Some other form of self-defense training. In short, the thing that consistently enables women to defend themselves, whether they're using pepper spray, a martial art, a "found weapon" like their car keys, or simply using their voices to scare off an attacker is practice defending themselves from simulated attacks in a safe environment. The rates of successful self-defense are so high among women who have had some kind of training that it doesn't even appear to matter what kind of training they've had. It just matters that they have had training.
In other words, studies consistently show that training, not products, is key in self-defense. Not that your daughter needs to become a black belt, I just strongly recommend a short, simple course (mine were two evenings a week, for six weeks). The confidence gained in studying self-defense will carry over into everything she tries.
Best wishes,
I would say information and caution are her best safety. Everyone should be just scared enough to be aware of everything around them. And send her to a self defense course.
Any instructor will have more information on what items to have in hand at all times, like a cell phone, whistle or even pepper spray (check with your local police, if its legal and where to get it).
good luck
I got my pepper spray from our local shooting rainge. If she has a panic button on her keys, this is definetly scare someone off. She should always check her car before getting in, someone could be laying down in the back where she can't see them. Have her park in a an area where there is good light. This is just some percausions I take myself. :)
I don't have any advice but wanted to say good for you! We should all be carrying pepper spray in this world! I'm happy to hear you want to make sure she's protected, especially since she's on her own at night.
Take care,
I know my response is quite delayed- I haven't been in my email in a few days. I just wanted to put my 2 cents in- My vote is for a very loud alarm of some kind over the spray. I carried pepper spray for a while but never felt confident that I'd be able to use it in an attack. You have to get it out and positioned with the nozzle facing the right way- it could be used on her if he overpowers her. . . Finding a simple button is MUCH easier and FASTER! No one is going to stick around for an attack with a piercing alarm going off, drawing attention to them. Also, if I had a daughter, I'd take a self defense class with her for sure! I still may take karate with my son :)
Just an FYI, I think that pepper spray is illegal in NY. A whistle is very helpful.
Hi L., your comment just reminded me of how I need to buy some pepper spray for my daughter who's 20, who travels to school and work at different hours. I believe you can go to a local hardware store--that's where I'm buying mine. You probably need to show ID for the purchase.