When... a baby is attaining new skills/motor-skills/hitting milestones or changes in motor-movements... they do this.
It is, instinctual and they do not have, control over their impulses, yet.
Hence, they 'practice' their skills, anytime, including in the crib when they are 'supposed' to be sleeping.
It is normal.
It is a phase.
It passes... ONCE they attain, mastery over their coordination and motor-skills.
They DO NOT, yet know how... to do the entire 'sequencing' of their movements nor how to lay back down all proper, to then sleep again.
They lay down, pull-up, stand up and do not yet know how, to sit back down again, and then to put themselves back into a laying down position.
They are learning, it.
So in the meantime, yes it is repetitive. And yes you have to help them.
This is ALL normal.
It is developmental based.
It passes.
He is on par, for this stage of motor-skill development.
It is a good, thing.