I hate this. Everyone just starts calling ALL the time....just to check in.
When I was really sick in March and April I finally just stopped answering my phone.
Tell them straight forward that you need normal right now. Business as usual until otherwise told. The worst part of illness is the not knowing at first. All the hanging question marks. The knowing something could be wrong....Those calls from people just wandering if you happened to forget to call them and let you know what you know.....
Their being annoying because they are concerned.
You will find once you know and everyone knows they will go back to semi-normal.
I finally had to stop telling people what was going on unless they were directly involved and helping with my kids or getting me to the hospital. If there was a major event, like when I had my surgery, then I would make the calls to my close family...mom, dad..in laws..best friend(s). I would rally to get people to cook meals and what not as well.
I just couldnt handle the constant on/off of people checking in. Thankfully after a few weeks of ignoring people, they started to back off, and I was given some space and slowly have started asking people to come over for lunch or dinner.
It was very overwhelming. It may seem like you are shutting people out by not updating them hourly. You need to be with your immediate family right now. Your kids, husband. Not answering phone calls...or friends awkward chatter. Tell them if they would like to come over and just hangout and not talk about what is going on...then they are more then welcome.
You just need normal. I wish you the best in what ever you find out. I have no idea what it is like to be in your shoes. When I was sick it was something self destructive. I had to over come myself....You are a brave and strong soul from the sounds of it.
I will keep you in my thoughts.