Can I gently suggest that your cousin open up her own account here and ask her own questions? It must be exhausting for you to be constantly relaying this information and it sounds like she could use some easily accessible information (what mom couldn't)?
Anyway...10 days to a few weeks of hormonal craziness is totally normal. If she's not feeling better at her 6 week appointment then she should talk to her OB about it.
FWIW I only slept when my kids slept and my husband never did any feedings. I didn't have a husband the first time around and with subsequent ones, I was breastfeeding and didn't want to go through having to pump etc. and would have woken up anyway. So I understand her insistance on doing all of the feedings herself. That won't get in the way of her recovery.
Seriously...if she has internet access tell her to just come and join us.