I went to a party a few weeks ago, it was a fund raiser for my grandson's pre-school. I thought the sales lady was a bit obnoxious and really pushy.
I only wear real stones so jewelry with glass beads or fake stones doesn't interest me. And when the trays of jewelry were passed to me I simply passed them to the next person. I laughed at her stories and was polite. When she cornered me and asked me what I thought I told her I only buy jewelry with real stones. And she stopped talking to me.
My daughter booked a party but has been super busy since and has not sent out the invites and done a few other things she was supposed to do and talked to the sales lady about postponing the party and the woman was rude about it.
I was a Mary Kay consultant years ago and I know that sometimes stuff happens and customers cancel or postpone or their guests buy nothing. As a sales person you simply smile your way through and thank them for attending.