Middle school can be brutal. If it's happening in her classroom, the best thing is to contact her teacher to see if she has observed this behavior and possibly to give you some guidance. Encourage your daughter to NOT say and do things to just be part of the group because....they will turn on her someday. She can't fight city hall but she certainly shouldn't stand around to witness someone being shunned and picked on because of peer pressure. Friends change w/ every year...sadly, the school year just started. I would keep the lines of communication open w/ your daughter. I would get her away from the caddiness and involve her with other activities where she makes other friends. If she is only doing things to be popular, that is a huge concern. Kindness, honesty and integrity comes first in my list of values to teach my kids. I try to teach my kids that "doing the right thing isn't necessarily the popular thing." There are times that doing the right thing and standing up for someone else is hard and people won't like you but, you still have to have integrity and like yourself. Being shy doesn't mean that she shouldn't have integrity. Role play with her, help her find the words and the courage to be her own person. Good luck.