Puberty Book for 12 Year Old Boy??

Updated on July 27, 2009
B.P. asks from Abilene, TX
11 answers

My son is now 12 and asking questions about puberty, sex, and such. We are very open to questions and answer them readily and honestly. He asked if there was a good book for him to read about this topic yesterday. I have heard about books for girls on here, but have not seen info on an equivalent for a boy. It would be very nice if there were books written from a Christian/abstinance point of view, but not necessary since we strongly emphasize these points in our discussions. Thank you!

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answers from Dallas on

There is a series called God's Design for Sex. It is a 4 book series. 1st book is for 3-5 (although for us that was too young), 2nd book is 5-8 (I just read this to my 10.5 year old son) and then a 3rd book with Question/Answer type format and then book 4 you give to them to read and they come to you if they have questions.

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answers from Dallas on

The best one I know of is Passport to Purity. Available at most Christian bookstores. But, it is not a book that you just give him to read. It is a several session book that you do together.

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answers from Dallas on

The Learning about Sex Series published by Concordia Publishing House is a good one. It has 5 books in the series with a boys edition and a girls edition for ages 4-young adult. The one for ages 10-12 is called How You Are Changing by Jane Graver. The next in line is for ages 13-15 and is called Sex and The New You by Rich Bimler. They also have a book for parents called How to Talk Confidently with Your Child about Sex by Lenore Buth. They all come from a Christian prospective.

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answers from Dallas on

There is a series by Stan and Brenna Jones that teaches sex ed from a Christian perspective starting with three years old and progressing to pre-adolescence, puberty, and teen years.

*Before I was born
*The Story of Me
*What's the big deal--this is the one you would want your son to start with
*Facing the facts

They are excellent, I think. If I remember, most of them are in discussion/story format, but one or two of the books have the nitty gritty in full picture detail, but that is not the full substance of the book, so don't be thrown!

I love the perspective, even if the lay it all out there details are a bit...frank. But it answers the questions and reinforces them with values.

I like to think of it as compared to driving a car or owning a gun, if we simply tell the function to the child without the proper use and rules of the road, we are being irresponsible. So kudos to you for being a parent and adult and teaching your child without letting him figure it all out himself from elsewhere.


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answers from Dallas on

"Growing Up" by Brad Wilcox - outstanding book with strong Christian values as its base.

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answers from Dallas on

There is a fantastic book entitled "Questions young people ask, answers that work. It has nine chapters covering subjects such as "The oppostie Sex", "Life Changes", "School & Peers", "Friendship Issues". It is a bible based publication. I have an extra copy if you are interested, let me know

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answers from Dallas on

Our church did a Created by God class for 5th and 6th graders, and a text book came with the program. It is called Created by God, by James H. Ritchie, Jr., Ed.D. The target audience is the age of your son. And it teaches human growth, sexual development, and reproduction with a Christian perspective. Just imagine a sex-ed class given by a church! But it is a safe place. Good luck.

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answers from Dallas on

I ditto the Passport to Purity program. It is a great method for teaching about puberty, sex, abstinance, etc. I only have daughters, but I would imagine the teachings for boys is just as effective as the one for the girls.



answers from Dallas on

Taught my 11 yr old twin boys in homeschool. Used cirricula from Mardel's Christian bookstore. They also sell full homeschool support items-workbooks, posters, etc.for all academic subjects and ages.



answers from Dallas on

I have just the book for you. Preparing for Adolesence. It's for boys and girls. Some sections are just for girls, some just for boys. It was very helpful for me when I when through puberty. Author is James Dobson and you would get it through his ministry Focus on the Family

This is the link. Sorry it's so long. Copy and paste it into your address bar. And it'll take you right to the product.



answers from Dallas on

My son is also 12. Two years ago I went to the public library and just typed in "puberty boys" and they had several books. I checked them all out, brought them home and read them myself first. I then picked the one that I thought was best. I think it was something like "What's going on" or "What's happening". He read the book one afternoon, we talked, he asked a few questions and that was it. I would suggest reading the book(s) yourself first. Some books will talk about some issues that you may have differing thought about (abstinence only birth control, homosexuality, sexual experimentation, etc.). I wanted to make sure I approached certain subjects with my son, so we could talk about our family's and faith's beliefs on subjects. Hope this helps.

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