Talk about high maintenance parenting.
One thing you might do though, is to call your local child care licensing office and ask for the hand book for being licensed. A lot of this stuff is covered by state regulations. If it is a state regulation it is out of the caregivers hands. If they want to keep their license they must do what is required in the handbook.
1. Most facilities that have a high rating will use something like a scholastic curriculum. It is bought and used in all the classrooms. They most likely will not tell you a lot about it. It's an acceptable curriculum and the director is not in the classroom so she is not going to know just what the teachers are working on out of it. That is not her job. Her job is a lot different than the teachers. She manages the business end of it and the teachers manage their classrooms.
2. Not your business
3. Posted in the entryway in the parent center area, also a more specific one will be posted in the classroom.
4. Depends on the activity.
Nap time is required by the state. The center or home has no choice in that. The child must lay down for a while and try to go to sleep if they are under school age, sometimes that is defined as 1st grade if kindergarten is just a half day. If they do not go to sleep after a while they may then be offered something quiet to do. They may not choose to get up and run around.
If they want to play toys while everyone else is working on something they will likely not be able to choose that option. If they want to sit quietly and read a book or play with something quiet while class in going on then that may be an option.
If they don't want to go outside because they don't feel well they will be sent home. All kids must go outside each day. Even with a doctors note, they will not be allowed to stay inside. If they are too sick to go outside they are too sick to be in the facility.
Each activity is going to have a different answer to this question. It cannot be answered.
5. State reg's will tell you what the rule is. The policy will be posted in the parent area at the front of the building and in the classrooms. Also see the last part of #5. They will be going outside on most days.
In Oklahoma, every child is required to go outside every day, for babies it states "unless there is risk of physical injury". Our licensing worker told me that meant lightening or strong winds, otherwise temperature or weather did not make a difference. So we went out in the rain, the cold, the heat, the nice weather too.
6. Naps are required by the state for every child under school age. Check the reg's. Each and every teacher will have a different idea about this. Some places will not let kids bring personal items in the room with them. Some teachers will discourage kids from using their items if they really don't want to have to keep up with 15 kids loveys from home. If they take it to child care consider it to be the child care facility's property. It will not come home again. They do not have time to babysit special toys from a child's home. They may have cots with sheets that are fitted to them that they wash once a week. They may have mats that you provide. That will be in the parent handbook.
7. Child care centers should provide one morning thing, either a full breakfast or a morning snack. Lunch and then an after noon snack. They need to be offered food of some sort every 3-4 hours. Water more often than that.
A weekly menu is required to be posted in the parent area or in the classroom. They can change this at any given time and substitute something if they need to. They don't have to notify anyone. They just mark a line through the item replaced and write what they replaced it with.
8. The holiday closings will be in the parent handbook or on the contract. They will be closed if the weather is so bad that the state is telling everyone to stay off the roads. That will be addressed in the handbook too. You will be expected to pay for a full week on the weeks that they are closed for holidays or bad weather too.
9. Same as above.
10. That is a question for the teacher of the class. They will be the one to tell you what they do on a daily basis. Most of the child care centers I have worked at have not even had a bathroom until the kids are 3 though.
11. This will also be in the parent handbook or the contract. It will be spelled out what they can fire your family for, without notice. They will have it laid out what will happen if your child is aggressive to others.
12. Teachers do the best they can. With a full class they are not omnipotent and cannot see every little thing that happens. They do fill out an incident report when they need to if they even know there is an injury. Many times a child will just start crying and then stop before the teacher can find out what happened. They just start playing and move on. So when the parent gets them ready for a bath and finds a bite mark the teachers may truly know nothing about it.
13. Kids move to the next classroom on their birthday usually. If they do not the throw off the teacher/child ratio in that classroom, it becomes a mixed age group and they can actually get in trouble from their licensing worker if they come in for an inspection and a child is not moved up, even if it is their birthday that day.
Had it happen, the worker had the teacher pick up the cot with the sleeping child on it and move them to the next classroom up. They made them move the child even though they had not be transitioned yet. It is a state regulation. Hopefully by their birthday they have visited the next classroom and know it is coming.
14. Mostly none of your business. The only thing you should have access to is the teachers credentials that should be posted in the classroom or the parent area.
15. You have to be kidding, none of your business in a big way, that would be breach of confidentiality for the teachers privacy.
16. If staff is absent the assistant director or the cook or the director fill in. Sometimes they will have a substitute available but they prefer to have a staff member they know and trust.
17. Again, none of your business. They have state regulations they have to go by, nothing else. If they have to have a person with X amount of training they hire the person who applies and has that training. If they meet that standard you have to be satisfied. The state regulates this and all the answers that you need to know would be in that state regulation hand book. They must go by the regulations or face being in non-compliance.
18. Yes, as the kids go home the classes are combined to save money paying staff and to cut down on bills lighting and heating/cooling mostly empty classrooms.
They don't want to pay 5 teachers when 1-2 teachers can have 6-20 kids depending on their ages. If there is an infant they can have 6, if they have all kids over 5 they can have up to 15 or 20 school-agers, depends on the state as far as the ratios go. It is so fluid that no one can guarantee what the mix will be on any particular day.
Some kids that come very early in the morning will also be combined until the teachers start arriving around 7:30 or 8am.
19. Staff hours of working are confidential as far as I am concerned. They may or may not work full time and that information is really not your business.
Truthfully, it is NONE of your business what their hiring procedure is or how long a teachers day is. There is also no reason for you to know the staff turnover rate, if you asked I would tell you thank you for coming in but I think we are full. Good bye.
The teachers your child may interact with are each and every teacher in the facility. They may give breaks for the teacher to go pee or to go to lunch. They have passed the states regulations and are certified to work there. That is enough for you to know about every person that works there.
20. If you don't come over the summer you would enter the facility as a new family in the fall as far as I would know. No one would pay the weekly fee for 12 weeks just to be sure they would have a spot in the fall.
Your 5 year old will be in Kindergarten in the Fall so he won't even be effected by this. He will come in from school, have a snack, have some play time and go home. He will most likely be there for just a couple of hours at most. You'll need to find a facility that will transport him for sure, or use the after school program.
21. That is a good question that will have an answer the director can give you. They will know if you need to pay for extra's for sure. It is their job to manage the bills and such.
Here is a link to the regulations for a child care center:
Here is a link to the regulations for child care homes:
Here is a link to find the non-compliance issues for a particular business, complaints are very different that non-compliance issues. Those are simple things they found to be wrong during inspections, such as maybe no toilet paper in the bathroom, not usually big issues.
This is the page that people who want to go into child care as a business would go to. The links here are very good ones and would be a lot of answers for you.