Do you spend time with the girls together? I learned from my Mother, who had a total of 8,when she would invite me to join her in tending to my younger siblings. I was eldest daughter with 3 younger brothers and 3 younger sisters. My mother had no time for individual attention so we did lots of stuff together. She never made it my job to take care of the younger ones until I was older and would make all the sack lunches for school and other things, but because I started out with just being invited, I just assumed a lot of responsibility as I got older. And you want to know something? I never resented it. I felt that my Mom and I were partners in the caring of the younger ones. My mother gave her all to motherhood and it was plain to see. I was really proud when we would go into the store and the children would all behave so well. On week-ends we would make fudge together...as the younger children got older they joined in...we are very close and to this day, if one of my siblings need something, there are 5 siblings remaining that will be there for them. The two brothers that we lost are missed terribly and well thought of. We were the "Johnson Team"!! Hope this is some help to you. I have raised 3 sons of my own and did it Mom's way...and it is still working with them. Good luck! These days raising children are more of a challenge than ever before and we all need to help out when we can.
Phyllis Hughes