I had a tubal done at 37, 8 weeks after I had my second child vaginally. I had told them before I had my baby I wanted done but they told me they don't do them at the same time (scheduling issues for the doctor and operating room) even though it's easier for them since your "all up there"already. The worst part for me was that night and next couple of days, my shoulders hurt (they tilt you on a table which causes this). My shoulders bothered me more than my incision (I just wore big clothes and had to watch how I nursed my baby). I didn't take the pain medicine they gave me because I was nursing and didn't feel comfortable taking it, I just took tylenol and that was all I needed. I actually took the baby and my 5yr to the baby doctor for the baby's wellness appt the next day and attended a huge family reunion the second and third day after.