Sorry for all the suffering. It sounds like you are paying attention to her needs which is awesome. I have some suggestions though. You mention she eats whole wheat breads. Breads are binding, flour is like glue in our system. People unfortunately believe because the bread says 'whole wheat' it's healthy. What's really healthy and will give her proper fiber is whole grains, real whole grains. There are tons out there. Try brown rice, millet, amaranth, barley, buckwheat. Don't get cracked whatever, get the real WHOLE grain. Quinoa is an amazing food, it's a complete protein and filled with nutrients of all kinds. Drizzle a bit of olive oil on top, some hemp seeds (sounds crazy maybe but they are filled with protein and omega 3,6 AND 9). Maybe some tahini (calcium) and lemon juice with a tiny sprinkle of sea salt. Get her off flour products, processed foods of any kind and NO dairy. It's not healthy for a small child to have these problems. Also, perhaps she's having too many cold foods, is her water cold? You say she drinks tons of water, if it's anything but room temperature it's destroying her intestinal flora and messing up digestion. Someone suggested probiotics, good idea but make sure they are sugar and dairy free.