Hi S.,
As a mom of 7, with both boys and girls, I just wanted to say that this is a totally normal stage and as difficult as it is for the non-favored parent, it will pass. This is the age where kids really start to identify with the same sex parent, so it's a healthy identity issue. Your daughter is relating with you b/c you're a "girl," and she's beginning to identify herself with that. When she is secure in that the stage passes. The more fuss is made over it, the more drawn out it will be, and the more confusing for her. I have five sons, and I went through this with each of them as they started to ID with my hubby. It was very difficult for me to not take it personally, esp. considering that I was the primary caregiver, making all the little daily sacrifices. But it passed. However, my older daughter definitely ID'd more with me, and now is again as she is preparing to enter her teen years. But in between times, she developed a normal, healthy, loving relationship with her dad. It was hard for him, and is getting hard again, but it's just a normal part of life. My younger daughter (18 mos.) is just starting the Mommy phase. If your husband can realize why it's happening and that it's not personal, it should make it a little easier to take. With that being said, tantrums are not acceptable and should not be allowed, as long as they aren't provoked by constant forcing of the issue with her. Hope this helps. I've read a lot of really helpful books about this stuff, mainly from Dr. James Dobson. Good luck to you. Too bad parenting doesn't come with a manual! :-) One suggestion I have is to make Daddy "more fun" for awhile when the three of you are together. Ie. Mom does the dishes after dinner, while Dad and DD play a game or read a book in the kitchen. Mom can interact, but is not totally present, so thus, Dad is the one doing the activity DD will be interested in. This can be hard on you, but could help them. Or when you go out to eat, Dad can be the one who gets dessert to share with DD, while Mom just has coffee. Heck I should try that. It'd be good for my waistline! :-)