I HATE behavior charts. Ugh, too much work. They are just as much work as getting the child to do the chore!
The only thing that we tried that worked was the marble jar, and we only really did it for a few months. I really advocate just having them do their chores because they are supposed to and then you just get on them until they are done. If they are bad, they get an immediate consequence that fits the crime. End of story.
However, here is how our marble jar worked.
1. Make your daily list such as brush teeth, make bed, etc.
2. When they do the chore, they get a marble in the jar for each chore.
3. Marbles are "cashed in" for pre-determined awards. 10 marbles = 1 extra hour of computer time, etc.
4. Marbles can be removed for bad behavior.
5. Extra marbles can be added for "being caught being good"
It was much easier to count marbles than to put stickers on a chart. Marbles can be saved from week to week. My daughter seemed to like seeing the marbles. She'd often take out her jar and just play with the ones she earned.
It's also pretty funny when they get upset and scream "I'm losing my marbles!!" LOL!
I would give her a warning: "This is your warning, keep it up and you're losing a marble."
I also liked how she was able to "earn" the marbles back by doing extra things. That taught her that even though she misbehaved, she had the opportunity to make it right and earn it back by doing something EXTRA. She always thought of the extra thing herself, and it really did help her to be better. That way when she lost a marble I'd say "well, you lost a marble so if you want it back you need to do your chore, and then think of something extra." She always did.
Good luck!