Try toys r us. We bought my son his helmet from there when he was around that age. I remember it being a little big, but it did the trick. We just adjusted it so it wasn't flopping around or uncomfortable for him.
My 15 month old has learned to ride a small power-wheel and is trying to ride a tricycle. I think he needs to wear a helmet but I dont know where to find one small enough from him. Are helmets made for 1-2 years olds and if so where can you buy them?
I went to toys r us and they do not carry them but I did finally find a helmet for 1+ at Target.
Try toys r us. We bought my son his helmet from there when he was around that age. I remember it being a little big, but it did the trick. We just adjusted it so it wasn't flopping around or uncomfortable for him.
I got my son one at Wal-mart. Kudos to you for being so safety conscious!
Yes, Dicks Sporting Goods.
I'm glad you asked because I need one, too. And I have not seen this small of a size at Target (only size 3+).
try walmart my daughter is 19 months old and can fit into a helmet meant for a 2 year old. some are smaller than others just like clothes depends on the brand. try a few on and see which ones fit right.
If you can't find one that fits, get on that's the closest you can to his size then use the super thick adjuster pads that you can buy on their own. I've always had a problem finding a helmet, even as a child, that would fit properly because I seem to have an odd sized head apparently & I've also got SUPER thick hair ( about the same amount as three average heads of hair combined!!...ask my hair dresser). I always went at least a size up cuz all the ones that were supposed to fit were too tight & hurt my head so I had to size up which made them too big so I had to use sizer pads. I think you can find them at any bike shop or where you purchase the bike (you're more likely to find them at an actual bike shop than at walmart or target, and they'll be of better quality). Good luck. You may even have to spacial order a size for him.
Yes they make them for that age group. Toys R Us has them.
If you are unable to find one there, some of the bike stores carries helmets for little ones.