Someone else posted something similar asking if she should allow his parents to have to child for visits. I have always been against this b/c no matter what they tell you, thats still her son and she will go against your wishes to please her child. You need to stop all contact with the mother-in-law, she is a liar and has put your son in danger by allowing him to see his father. This man sounds very crazy and should not be allowed around your child w/o supervision. You need to get a hold of a family law book for your state and study it. Some states do have grandparents righs some dont. I always advice women to get educated on family law, I am a single mother of two boys and I have sole custody of my oldest son, his father can not take him, and only has supervised visits at a safe center until my son turns 13yrs old, hes 8yr now. He has no say so in my sons life and has to adibe by my rules. It cost me $3000.00 but it was worth the fight, you need to document everything he does, date and time. My son father tried to kidnap him when he was two so it was easy for me to get sole custody and supervised visits.