Hi Tracey,
You NEED to set boundaries as this WILL take a toll on your marriage. First of all, get in with a good marriage counselor. This is not your battle. This is your husbands battle to fight and you will eventually resent him for taking this time away from you and your little one. Boundaries are so important in a situation like this. I know you want to support him, howvever, you shouldn't get involved at all. Being there for him is one thing, but fighting this battle is a losing situation. Don't be afraid to say, "No." If you are anything like me in this situation, I didn't want to tell my husband no because I thought that would be not supporting him. When I started telling him that I wasn't able to emotionally and physically to help with this situation, our marriage improved tremendously and tensions decreased. I became happier and so did he. Like I said, really look at finding a good marriage counselor. Learn to communicate and set boundaries. You need set boundaries with your husband and your husband needs to set boundaries with his ex-wife. It will be difficult at first, however, it will help in the long run. By the way, don't rely too much on the courts. The system is not very good and definitely does not have the kids best interest at heart, just from experience. Concentrate more on your marriage and your little one. You will never be able to get this time back and she deserves your attention! You are her mom and your husbands children have a mom already. Enjoy your daughter and work on raising her! Good Luck!