I can very very highly recommend Dr. Deborah Krahl with Aspen Medical Clinic. She works out of the Bloomington and Hopkins clinics :). She's knowledgeable, dedicated to her patients, and specifically went to a small OB/GYN practice so that she could deliver more of her patients.
She was my doctor at a very large practice, and was unfortunately not able to deliver my son when it was his time to be born. We were both upset - but that didn't stop me from following her on to her new clinic - it wasn't exactly her fault!
However - she listened throughout my pregnancy, addressed all concerns - and didn't talk down to me. We disagreed on a couple of points, and were able negotiate agreements that we were *both* happy with when issues came up. You have to love a doctor who will respect when a patient has feelings on specific subjects!
Enjoy your pregnancy!! Congratulations!