This may be farther south than you want to go, but I took both my kids to Debra Battles at Scott County Mental Health in Shakopee. They loved her and so did I; she was wonderful with all of us! The number there is ###-###-####.
Good luck!
I'm looking for a child psychologist/therapist for my 5yo son, preferably someone in the SW Minneapolis area. I want someone with a good rapport with kids his age and the ability to work with extremely strong-willed children. Knowledge about Sensory Processing Disorder would be even better. Any recommendations would be much appreciated.
This may be farther south than you want to go, but I took both my kids to Debra Battles at Scott County Mental Health in Shakopee. They loved her and so did I; she was wonderful with all of us! The number there is ###-###-####.
Good luck!
My husband, Steve Palmer, is a wonderful therapist at Westminister Counseling Center. We have six children ourselves (ages 1-11) so he has a lot of practical as well as clinical experience. His number is ###-###-####. The center is in downtown Minneapolis. They work on a sliding scale for payment.
Good luck to you,
Call Mindy Mitnick at Uptown Mental Health -- I am not sure she does therapy anymore but she might also have a rec'd.
My son is having the same issues and got him into a play therapist in Burnsville that is wonderful. I would recommend her to anyone she is with MN Valley Psychologist her name is Heather Cargill.
My son was diagnosed with a mood disorder not otherwise specified so I feel your trails and tribulations. And if their is anything I can do to help you I would be more than happy. Just having the support for us as parents is a bonus.Angel Son is 6yrs old
Hi E.,
My son also has SPD and went through two years of OT at Capable Kids in Chanhassen. It did wonders for him. Things can get better!Following through at home in between OT is crucial. There is also a Twin Cities Sensory Processing Disorder support group that meets once a month. They are at Yahoo groups if you google it you can find them. I haven't been active with them for several years so I'm not sure of the current info. Good Luck.