Seeking OB/BYN in Beverly Hills Area

Updated on March 26, 2008
J.B. asks from Los Angeles, CA
20 answers

Hi everyone, I just found out my long-time OB/GYN has just retired and stopped taking patients. Meanwhile, I just got pregnant! Does anyone have recommendations for me as to excellent doctors, possibly at Cedars Sinai, who are in the Blue Cross network and who may have experience with C-sections? Thanks so much in advance, J.

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So What Happened?

Thank you everybody! I have found a doctor (I'm going with the group of Dr.'s that includes Drs. Cohen & Katz). It was such a huge help to have a list of doctors to show my old OBGYN and then have him pick out the name of someone he knew and trusted as well. Thank you so so much for the support! Best wishes to all, J. B.

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answers from Los Angeles on

Yes, Gigi Kroll in Newport Beach is a fabulous OB/GYN. She was my doctor with my first child and now with my second. She performed a c-section on me and I will have another one in July. She is a young, educated and very personable woman. Her staff is excellent and attentive. I highly recommend her.


1 mom found this helpful


answers from Los Angeles on

I love my OB, Dr. Betty Lee. It is the Beverly Hills Group of Women Physicians. Her sister Lily is great too, they just delivered my baby on Dec 27th via Cesarean. They are very highly regarded at Cedars...I don't have the number handy, but let me know if you have trouble finding them. They are located on Wilshire near La Cienega. Congratulations on the pregnancy!!

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answers from Santa Barbara on

Ruth Cousineau is excellent.
All OB-GYN's have experience with C-Sections.


answers from Los Angeles on

i see she's already gotten recommendations but i also gotta say that susan cohen in beverly hills is the best. i was on bedrest in the hospital for three months at cedars and she visited me every single day. she helped make an unbearable situation bearable. she made it possible for me to deliver a healthy full-term baby. she is amazing!



answers from Los Angeles on

Barry Brock is fabulous. Awesome and inspirational. I am pregnant now also, 33 weeks, and my regret is that we have moved about 60 miles away and I cannot see Dr. Brock.

He delivered both of my girls, in'97 and '00, and I can tell you he cuts an impressive figure around Cedars.

Good Luck!




answers from Los Angeles on

I just have one thing to say about another person's comment on Lisa Masterson. First she isn't in Beverly Hills but second she was my OBGYN, and besides my appointments being 35 to 45 minutes late every time, starting at 6 months on when it is MOST uncomfortable to be sitting around that long...after I delivered and went for my first post check up the staff still didn't know my records, and asked me when I was due.....

There are ton's of other issues but I will leave it at that.



answers from Los Angeles on

I loved my Dr. Dr Suzanne Gilberg Lenz, she is in the practice with Dr. Katz, Dr. Cousineau, Dr Goldberg. All of the Dr's in this practice are amazing!



answers from Honolulu on

aloha J.!
i can recommend Dr. Barry Brock
he delivered both my kids and is wonderful
i now live on maui and still return to him every year for my check-ups
he is kind, and very good
he is @ cedars and is blue cross
good luck!



answers from Los Angeles on

I see Dr. Lisa Masterson. She is in Santa Monica but delivers at Cedars. She has delivered both of my girls and is dilivering my 3rd in August. I love her. Also you may have seen her before she is the beautiful Dr. that goes on Oprah to give OB advice. They were the first office that I called that said "Congratualtions" when I was calling around to schedual my frist appt. All the other offices just wanted my name and ins. info.




answers from Los Angeles on

I would also highly recommend Dr. Susan Cohen. She really is a wonderful, caring doctor who takes amazing care of her patients. These days it's so hard to find the kind of personalized care that she provides. She does deliver at Cedars and she takes Blue Cross, too!



answers from Los Angeles on

Hello J. B,
I happen to know of a very wonderful OBGYN Dr. that just happens to be in Beverly Hills and uses Cedars Sinai. He has a wonderful bedside manner and his practice is very clean and professional. His nurses are wonderful as well. His name is Robert F. Katz, M.D. F.A.C.O.G. 8920 Wilshire Blvd. Suite 511 Beverly Hills, CA 90211 ###-###-####. I believe he takes your insurance...Good luck!
Sari K. is right on the same page with me, this group of Dr's and staff are wonderful!



answers from Los Angeles on

Dr. Crane in Bev Hills: ###-###-####

I found him 10 years ago, because he was the doctor my midwife was working with. He is amazing. Good luck!



answers from Los Angeles on

i hear Paul Crane and Stephen Rabin are great. Also Violet Boogodian (i may be misspelling her name) but i believe they all deliver at Cedars. Not sure about the insurance.

good luck.



answers from Los Angeles on

I have the greatest OB/GYN on earth! I would marry her if I could. She delivered both my girls (with my help!), one was a c-section and the other was a VBAC. She's young (late 30s early 40s), has two little ones of her own and has become a trusted friend over the years. She's at Cedars. Here's her info:

Ann Hofstadter
8631 West 3rd St., Ste. 510E
LA, 90048

The only possible glitch is that I heard a rumor that she's not taking any new OB patients, only GYN patients. If that's true, I'm sure one of the other doctors in her practice could take you.

Congratulations and good luck!



answers from Los Angeles on

The absolute best Ob/Gyn in BH is Susan Cohen, MD, 8920 W Olympic Blvd., ###-###-####. She's very honest, very real, non-judgmental, extremely personable, caring....I could go on and on about her. She's very thorough, takes the time to answer all of your questions, gets to know you. Her office is beautiful. I've referred too many of my friends and colleagues to her, and they all rave about her as well. She once called me personally before office hours to say that she was delivering 2 babies and would not be able to keep her appt with me, and she apologized profusely. She then said she would come in on Sunday to see me for my (very routine) check-up! Even though I've moved away before she could deliver my baby, she's delivered many of my friends' babies. She doesn't just show up and catch and deliver like many OBs either. She checks up on you personally through the whole labor. Also, her office has free parking!! I'm considering making the over hour drive to see her again. I miss her terribly!



answers from Los Angeles on

Dr Paul Hackmeyer is in the towers right next to Ceaders. Love Him!!! Although I never made it to the hospitial(my little one came during rush hour traffic and trying to get to Ceaders on the 405 was not happening) he has performed a c-section on my sis in law and she was very happy. I love the staff in his office and he has great beside manner. I never felt rushed during my appts. Too bad I never made it to Ceaders for him to deliver.



answers from Los Angeles on

Jay Goldberg at Women's Care of Bev Hills takes Blue Cross and only delivers at Cedars. He's amazing. He was always available when we went in for appts. and answered all our questions. He always had as much time as we needed. He's a great guy and a great doctor.



answers from Los Angeles on

Dr. Thais Aliabadi. She's in the Cedars Sinai Towers and takes Blue Cross. I've been going to her for a few years now. She's also a mom of two little girls and had both of them by C-Section, so she knows how the experience will be like for any mommies who had to get that procedure done. Her staff are also very nice and her office decor is very comfortable. It doesn't feel like you're in a doctor's office with the warm paint hues and the nice smelling candles in the bathroom. :-)



answers from Los Angeles on

Hi J.,

My husband and I have a 22 month old and I have had the same OB/GYN at least 15 yrs. He's also young enough to be around awhile. He's on staff at Cedars, and I believe is a PP of Blue Cross. Located on Santa Monica Blvd. before Beverly Glen in Century City. I moved to Riverside from LA before our son was born, but still drove to CC to see Dr. David Kline and give birth at Cedars--love, love him. ###-###-####.

M. M.



answers from Los Angeles on

I had two c-sections at Cedars with Dr. Betty Lee ###-###-####. I don't know if she takes Blue Cross. I think she and her staff are top notch.

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