Seeking Reasonable Priced Painters

Updated on September 04, 2008
S.T. asks from Saint Louis, MO
7 answers

I need some advice on good interior painters, I've never hired anyone to paint my house before. I would welcome any referrals or advice.


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answers from St. Louis on

Dear S.,

My name is M. and I love to paint. I have painted, wallpaper and decorated my house and many others for years.

Some advice: If you are using a dark color, make use the painter is using a tinted primer prior to painting. This will decrease the amount of coats of paint required. Dark colors do require more than one coat. I have more advise on painting but want to also talk about what I can offer.

When I paint for clients, I charge $25 an hour. Clock stops when I take a break. Normally people charge by the room. Years ago, I had a lady clean my house. We settled on a hourly rate instead of a set amount. Both of us liked it.

I can give you an idea of how long the job will take and that will help you with the final total.

For $25 an hour, you can have me do painting, decorating, wallpapering, organizing, clean closets, clean rooms, help you throw things away, shop for you, suggest ideas, scrub tubs, plan a trip for you, etc!

Why $25 an hour? I am worth it. You will be happy.

I don't have my profile written yet. I have four kids, two dogs, one cat and two kittens. Love Church, love life.
M. I.



answers from St. Louis on

I highly recommendd Rick's Handyman Services. He's done a lot of work for me and many others to which we're all very satisfied. You may contact Rick at ###-###-####. As a matter of fact, he's adding an addition to my business now. He's also got lots of photos of his work.



answers from St. Louis on

We have used Beckner Painting Midwest and found them to be very good and reasonably priced. In fact, afterwards, we were thinking it was the best money we had every spent because painting can be so miserable!

Beckner Painting Midwest Inc
7805 Manchester Road Saint Louis, MO



answers from St. Louis on

Here is who we use for all sorts of handyman work. He is very reasonably priced.

Barry Bryant
Bryant Services, LLC
Home ###-###-#### 9am to 9pm only please
Cell ###-###-####
Efax 1-###-###-####
Home Remodeling and Repair
of all types. Electric, Plumbing
Carpentry, Doors and Trim, Etc.
Kitchens and Bathrooms Remodeled
Insured for your protection



answers from St. Louis on

S., I am having some remodeling done by an Awesome guy! I really got lucky in finding this guy! He's going to do all my painting when finished and he's very reasonable. His name is Dan Stone from "A Reliable Handyman". He is such a nice guy! Believe me we met with a TON of contractors when we first went into this, and Dan was the best! His number is ###-###-####. His Wife Gayle usually answers and takes the messages. Good Luck and let me know if you have any questions!!



answers from St. Louis on

Richie Carter from Carter Custom Painting. Very good and very reasonable. 1-888-63-paint Check out the website to see what wonderful work he does!



answers from St. Louis on

My Father has been painting and doign some carpentry work for over 30 years now. HE is employed as a full time painter and runs his own painting business as well. Magee's Painting is the name. He can be reache at ###-###-####. His name is Larry Magee. He is very reasonable and is still very much that down home person that comes with smalltown values. He will bid your home for free and I gaurantee he will not steer you wrong. I know it is hard to trust people these days. If you have any questions for me feel free to send me a message and I will helpyou out in anyway that I can.

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