Wow, your boy and my boy are so alike! Also, eight years old, we had so many of these similar problems. Here's what worked for us.
We felt we needed to inspire him....my husband and the boy read together every night for weeks, a chapter a night about George Washington. (Illustrated Classic Series) You could use anyone that you think might inspire your son. They took turns reading a chapter a night, then discussed how brave, determined etc that George Washington was.
Then the following days when I would be working with him, I'd remind him..."Do you think George Washington would give up when it got hard?" My son always got back to work on whatever he was struggling with. Washington was also a soldier, and so we used war analogies with my son too, which helped in his own determination.
It took time, which was tough for us, but I tell you, we haven't had an issue for 6 months.....I know he is trying his hardest at school, even when grades come home not-so perfect, and I can honestly tell him, how proud I am that he did his best.
Overall his grades did improve quite a bit, but we had to give him someone to want to be like....someone inspiring to want to emulate. It worked for him, maybe something similar would work for your son too.
**Also, we did encourage him with a reward system for slowing down in his work....better grades got more privileges at home.
Good luck!