Totally agree! And I wish there was a way to send the person asking the question a flower, or at least a *like* button like facebook ;)
I love mamapedia... have you ever read someone's response and wanted to give them "2" or more flowers? There are times when I'm reading and sending one flower isn't enough, I love their answer to the question that was posted... if I could give more than one flower I sure would... obviously, I just read some great responses!
I have sent private messages or referred to a mother by name when posting... but sometimes, I answer before reading every one else's response... Yesterday, I was reading responses and some just made me laugh or want to say right on sister...
Totally agree! And I wish there was a way to send the person asking the question a flower, or at least a *like* button like facebook ;)
When I really like someone's answer, I usually say so in my response to the post in addition to my flower sending.
I know that if I am reading someone's response and they say "I really agree with so and so...." then I will be sure to scroll down and read what "so and so" wrote!
ETA: and I totally agree Stephanie. I have had that happen multiples times just today! I am like "OMG I could have written that question - so glad you asked it!"
i would love to send a bouquet of flowers to some people!!!
i wish the flowers were of different caliburs, pansies daisies, lilys roses, etc.... like for witty, thorough, empathetic, heartfelt or daring responses.
sometimes i wish i could send a dead flower or a thorn, lol
If i reallllllllly like someones response i will usually give them props in my response, so that they will get looked up when my response is read and get more acknowledgement.
I occasionally send a private message and let them know their answer was superb.
Sometimes I send totally glowing OMG you BLEW My mind and Thank You very much private messages!
I have sent pm's to let mom's know how much they have helped me or how much I appreciate their knowledge or expertise.
Usually I read responses then hit the back button only to think I should have flowered her.
Yes :) Espically the ones that make me laugh.
i wish there was a flowere - just as a general acknowledgement and a LIKE. I really wish this site was more like Facebook for moms