Should I Charge More?

Updated on July 25, 2008
L.J. asks from Irving, TX
9 answers

Talking about money can be so uncomfortable but here goes... I am a SAHM to a 6mo old son and want to keep it that way for a little while longer so I agreed to sit with my Aunts 13mo old in the Fall when she goes back to school. She prefers that I do it in her home (she lives in s. Arlington, I'm in N. Irving; she works in S. Irving) even though it'd be better, I feel, if we do it in my home. However, I agreed to 125.00/week plus food and my own room for me and baby in case we would like to stay the night. The problem is with gas steadily rising and me driving a truck, I will probably be spending over have my income on gas! I know everyone is feeling it and I try to rationalize by saying that I am saving money by keeping my son out of daycare but I want to ask for just 25.00 more per week. I am not a pro. but I did keep her daughter so she knows this will be a permanent arrangement. How do I ask for more? Should I ask for more or just suck it up?

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answers from Dallas on

Hi, i know this is off topic, but i am looking for childcare in irving, anyway that you would be interested in watching my daughter (16 months) . please contact me ###-###-####

thanks so much

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answers from Dallas on

Just explain the gas situation and give her the choice of an extra $25 or else doing it in your home, where gas won't be an issue.



answers from Dallas on

Could you possibly get an extra car seat and meet her at her work? She could bring the baby with her, and you could take her back to your house to watch her. That reduces your gas costs. You could meet her again after she got off from work, or she could come pick her up.



answers from Dallas on

For having a sitter come to her home, she is getting off cheap..that is called a Nanny...when I nannied, I made $350 a week. (live out). When I was bbsitting small ones, I charged $150. For home care, you are totally in line by charging more.



answers from Dallas on

I'll have to agree on Michele S. the first response, explain the gas situation, ask for 25.00 more, if she refuses the extra 25.00 a week, then insist on babysitting in your own home, where you and your child are most comfortable. Or the meeting at her work response is a good one also.


answers from Dallas on

Hi L.,

I agree with the ladies. She is getting off cheap. Up until last month I was an assistant director in childcare. So I had to always call around to compare rates. The average rate for a 13 month old is between 215-225 dollars a week in childcare. And if you had a nanny (someone coming to your house to care for your child) you are making at least 350 dollars. Either you need to be paid more (I would say 50) or she needs to bring him to your house and I would still ask for some more (25)

Just my opinion. You could easily advertise free on craigslist and find 3 families that you could watch their children in your home and make 150 a week per child!





answers from Dallas on

I agree with Michele S. Surely your Aunt is feeling the pinch of the exorbitant gas prices as well. I compared my gas expenses from January, February and March and they went up $100 each month. That means I'm spending almost $300 more a month in gas now than I did in January. I think asking for $25 extra is definitely reasonable. And if she doesn't have to pay for gas to take her child to your house, she'll be getting off easy if you ask me. Just do the math and let her know how much extra gas is costing you. Once she hears it's a lot more than $25 a week, she will probably understand the situation. I know I would, and I'm a cheapskate! If not, you can probably find another mom who can use your services closer to you and would be happy to pay $125 for infant/toddler care.



answers from Dallas on

I agree with Karen...great compromise.



answers from Dallas on

I like Karen A's idea. Get an extra car seat and meet her at her work (or some other mutually agreed upon location). The trek between north and south Irving is far better than the one to S. Arlington!

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