An acquaintance of mine who had suffered years of horrible sinus pain got tremendous help from using a neti pot. She hated it at first, but her doctor convinced her to keep at it. After about 3 weeks using it twice daily, her sinuses began to clear, and she was hooked. She has completely cleared out a chronic sinus infection and only uses the neti pot a couple of times a week now.
I use a "nose gargle" too, without the pot, by sniffing saline from the palm of my hand through one nostril at a time, throwing my head back or dropping it between my knees for a moment, then gently blowing it back out. While I seldom get sinus pain, this is a marvelous way to deal with nasal allergies, and I have even warded of colds a couple of times.
I hope you find relief. Sinus pain has got to be a real misery.