I would help find her a job. Something she can do, either by on the job training like so many jobs are doing now, or something in her field. You didn't say what type of job she had before but the main thing is, for now at least, for her to get a job to start supporting herself. There are a number of nice, low rent, apartments or even out in the more rural areas, sometimes you can find like a detached garage apartment for rent fairly reasonable that's not 'roachy' or bug ridden like so many low rent places are. Go shopping for rental places w/her, I'm sure she'd appreciate someone going w/her to help her make a decision. While she may hafta plan on a tight budget, it CAN be done, she just hasta apply herself. Give her say, 30 days, or whatever date you deem reasonable, to move out. You didn't say how long she's been living w/you but just let her know that while you've been happy to help her out for the mean time, it's time she finds a job & a place of her own but be firm about it, don't back down if she tries to whine her way into changing your mind...stand firm. It's your home, not hers & while you've been happy to help, she doesn't seem to be much in trying to better 'her' situation to be on her own from what I gathered, plus she's 45, plenty old enough to be living & supporting herself if she tries hard enough...surely she doesn't expect to live w/you forever, right?? Hope this helps, good luck!