When my daughter was first born, she was a month early, and had issues with her breathing. She had sleep apnia. So, I used to sleep on the couch with her. She would lay curled up on my chest and we would both sleep. I really do miss those times. I think that the "cuddly" moments are worth holding onto, but, now that my daughter is 18 months...I cannot sleep if she is in the bed with me. She sleeps all night through, but she tosses and turns. Let me tell you, having a foot, head, fist, or even a butt in my throat or face....that is not too comfy. I suggest that you do get her on a schedual right now, but if it does not work right away do not worry. What I started doing was I would take naps with my daughter, instead of sleeping the night through with her. It has become our little schedual. We take a nap together, which satisfy's both of our need to be with each other, and then we sleep in our own beds at night. Maybe something like this would help you?