I'd have to agree wholeheartedly with the previous poster about you just have to do what is right for you. I have had two completely different experiences with both my children.
My first one (who is about to be 8) ... we co-slept. He was born early and with a soft trachea so for him to lie flat made his breathing really raspy and when he got a little cold, he couldn't suck his binkie and he just was MISERABLE. So I kept him propped up on a pillow with my arm beneath it. Because of this, he needed me there to really help him fall asleep at night. It worked for me and he was really a huge snuggle bug. I tried the "cry it out" approach because everyone was just so opinionated about me doing the wrong thing and since he was my first, I just assumed everyone else knew what they were talking about..... well, it didn't work. I couldn't stand listening to him cry... he'd get going so bad, he'd make himself throw up, then he was hungry, i had to clean carpets, sheets, him... it just wasn't worth it. We were all miserable becaue of it. I would clean up the mess, rock him and he'd fall right back to sleep.
Let me clarify, however, he co slept while he was little... after that, I'd rock him to sleep and put him in his crib. He would sleep in his crib... though he wanted out as soon as he woke up... IMMEDIATELY! My first wasn't good at putting himself to sleep. Sometimes it was a hassle.. sometimes it wasn't a big deal. But that's kind of the "bed we made" so we just dealt with it.
My 2nd kiddo I had a cosleeper attached to the bed and he slept there for the first 6 months... then moved to his crib. I did put him down to put himself to sleep and never let him cry it out either but he was much easier to sooth himself and just sack out than my first. My 2nd also didn't want to be rocked to sleep after a certain period of time... he wanted to just push away and you get out of his room and leave him alone. He would wake and play in his crib with his crib toys... totally content. Just about 2-3 weeks ago we moved him from a toddler bed to a twin sized bed with safety rails and he's doing great still... If he won't go down easily, we know something is wrong (sick or dirty diaper)... he turns 3 in July and like I said... night / day on my other.
I think as long as you are doing what feels right for YOU guys... that is what is right. I can tell my kids -- both of them -- bedtime and they know... it's bedtime. I've got a friend with a 3 year old that still sleeps with them though... in their bed in the middle of them.... I can't imagine that'd be any fun.
I'd enjoy the snuggles if I were you.. :) but that's just my opinion! :)