Hang in there! This can be soooo frustrating! When DH and I decided to get pg both times, I was always heartbroken when AF showed up. I was afraid I'd never get there. First time it took 6 months, the second I got pg at 5 months, had a miscarriage, then immediately got pg afterwards. Remember most healthy couples it takes between 3 months and 1 year to conceive, so you are not alone in your struggles.
Are you tracking your cycles at all - do you know your most fertile time? DH and I use NFP for birth control and to help get pg. You can use something like
http://www.fertilityfriend.com/ to get a basic overview on how to recognize symptoms and track your cycles. You could also try using the ovulation kits that are at all drugstores - even the dollar stores sell them for waaay cheaper and they work just as well (just check the expiration date!!) If down the line you need to see a specialist, they will want you to be tracking your cycles for a few months anyway, so this way you'd be ahead of the game, and who knows what will happen if you figure out your fertile days?
It wouldn't hurt to visit your doc and tell him/her you are trying to get pg - since you've been trying less than a year they probably won't start you on any medications, but they can give you an overall checkup to make sure you are healthy, start you on prenatal vitamins, and do some simple tests like thyroid testing to ensure there isn't a problem. They can also make sure that you aren't too heavy or too thin as either can cause problems with conception.
Buy your DH a few pairs of nice boxers and stick the tighty whities in the back of the drawer. Have him start taking a good multivitamin too, and if either of you are smoking, think about quitting.
Best advice to give but hardest to accept is to just try and relax and have fun. Plan a few nice weekend getaways and some romantic "us" time after your daughter is in bed -or if grammy and grampy live nearby, send her off for an overnight visit.
Good luck!! sending preggo <<<vibes>>> your way!!