Hi S., I am a daycare provier and I see this everyday, what you have to realize that babies bond with the one who spends the most time with them, when they grow up in daycare, that becomes their home, I have a 17 month olds that has only been with me for 2 months, and his mom and dad have to pick him up and cary him out, sometimes kicking a fussing, and as they are caring him out he is reaching for me. I have a 5 year old who has been in my care since he was 3 months old, well, he lived with me these ppast 4 months while his parents have ben gone, his mom came back off of a 7 month delpoyment last Tuesday, last night Thursday only 2 dsys later he wanted to spen the night here instead of going with his mom, unfortunaly this two working parents, causes sacrafices that you really don't want, all my daycare kids call me mom, I say no I'm miss J., I have one baby in here who when he learned how to crawl, my family and his family were at the same Christmas party for our church, when he saw me he squirmed to get doem from his mom crawled accross the room through many people just to get to me, and stayed with me the whole party. The five year old that I told you about didn't wantto go home with his mom the sencond after not seeing her for 7 months. well when he was 3 his mom had duty Christmas Eve so she had brought some of his presents to my house since he was going to be here Christmas morning until she could pick hi up, well we were opening and she walked in, and asked him are you ready to go, he said to her get out, he paused and then he said it again get out, it was like she was invading his time with his family, she took him out throwing a fit, kids bond with the one they spen the most time with, J.