I wasnt that thrilled w/ ECI either. We got to Cooks Childrens outpatient therapy now and its great. They are wonderful there. I will tell your after batteling w/ the ISD my child is now in that it is hard even if your child has special needs to get them into the right programs. I have a former 24 week preemie that has Sensory Problems and Speech delays. She also id diagnosed w/ Mild CP and PDD (a form of atusium) and that wasnt enough to get her into the PPCD program. Medical diagnosis mean nothing to the school dist. You have to be tested and be enough behind enough educationally to quailify. A physcologist can evualate for Atusim and if they think they may have it that can get you in. My daughter had a speech imparment bad enough to get in and also they think she does have the PDD that I told them the doc diagnosed her with. I had her tested at age 3 and she didnt qualify and now I have been batteling the school snice Dec and she just started last week in the PPCD program. Just be patient when you get to this stage b/c it will be really drawn out and I think all the school dist's are about the same with this from what I have heard. Its really sad b/c there are so many kiddos that need these services and are not getting them which then puts them more behind and its the schoold dist's fault if that happens. Good luck with your journey.