It will come out the other end. Nothing to panic over.
Ya know I tell this story here and I don't get the same laughter but my Andy ate pea gravel. That was one of the strangest diaper changes ever!
okay, one of my 8 month olds just swallowed one of those small cloth tag things that are on the soft plush baby chew toys....I really want to call my hubby and make him leave work so I can take him to the ER but i'm not sure if that is the mommy panic or the mommy sense...what would you do??? help me!!!!!
okay, so i have calmed down...lol...he didnt choke, he swallowed it right down, i dont think it was stringy. called hubby and he thinks he'll be fine and i'm waiting on a call back from the childrens hosp nurse line...thanks everyone....this is the first time one of my kiddo's swallowed something that wasnt food...my oldest is 2 1/2 and then the twins are 8 months...and my lil guy who swallowed the tad the tag is in a mad teething craze, 3 top teeth at once...thanks for all the reasurring!
nurses line said he should poop it out in a day or so but if i dont see it within a week to take him in...i know he swallowed the whole thing, he makes this funny face everytime he swallows a new food or something with more consistency than that runny stage 2 baby food....i'm sure he is fine, just never went through my toddler swallowing anything...at least not that i know of...lol
It will come out the other end. Nothing to panic over.
Ya know I tell this story here and I don't get the same laughter but my Andy ate pea gravel. That was one of the strangest diaper changes ever!
Hi ST-
If he is breathing...then YOU need to take a breath!!
A tag is small...smooth...and 'slippery' when wet...
It will PASS...if you get my drift...
If there is prolonged gagging...or obvious abdominal discomfort...then CALL pediatrician...and a nurse can help you thru...or even an ER nurse...and they can advise...
Best Luck!
Ok take a deep breath. If he isn't having trouble breathing he is fine. If it is a cloth tag you will probably find it in his BM in a day or two. I know how easy it is to worry and if you want call your ped. talk to them they will tell you the same thing but you will feel a lot better after talking to someone.
Call the nurse line at your pediatrician's office and go from there. They will ask the right questions and tell you what to look for to know if it is emergent or not. It's probably ok but call the professionals!
Call someone to come take you (I assume you don't have a car since you have to call hubby).
Worst case scenario, all is ok, but I would at the very least call the ER or your doctor. Ours is on call after hours.
As long as he's breathing ok and it doesn't seem to be stuck I say just keep an eye out for it in his diaper. Its soft, I wouldn't panic!
Is there an on call number you can call for your doctor? It may be one of those situations where you just have to wait and "watch for it" to see if they pass it sometime soon. I am certainly no medical specialist, though. But logic would tell me that if it is that small and all one piece, that it will pass through without any problems. If it was long and stringy like dental floss or something, however, then it might create problems.
Just take deep breaths, though mom. There isn't any IMMEDIATE danger no matter what, if he already swallowed it without choking. Any danger would come from disintegration in the digestive tract (Which is probably a remote risk anyway), or a bowel obstruction (which could be very dangerous, but won't happen immediately, either).
call the nurses line and see if it's something you need to go to the ER for. Is the child choking?
Gosh, how do you know that he swallowed the whole thing? Are you certain he didn't spit it out someplace? How big was it? I don't know. I know if it were me I'd probably take him in to be sure.