My oldest daughter is the same way. Just always put them on her plate and what ever dinner is, that is what you eat. I give her breakfast and lunch choices but dinner is what is prepared, although I sometimes give her veggie choices. She did not eat dinner for over a year, the doctor told me to keep it up and eventually she will eat when she was hungry. Then she started waking up at 4am saying she was hungry, I almost cracked. But..we got through it and now she eats almost everything. We require at least one bite of everything on her plate. She is also a pokey eater. Our rule on that, when the dishes are done, you are done. She would sit there for hours if allowed to, not really eating at all. So we put the time restriction on her. Try not to make it a battle, just like potty training, you will lose an turn it into a bigger problem.
Good luck