I just went through the same dilema with my 3 year old. Since she was old enough to hold a sippy cup, she went to bed with water in her sippy cup every night. She was potty trained at around 2 1/2 but up until about 2 months ago, she was wearing her pull up at night. I also realized that in her mind, by wearing the pull up that meant it was ok to pee in it. She didn't make an effort to use the bathroom during the night like she did all day long, BECAUSE of the pull up. So what I did was take away the water and got rid of the pull up. If she complained that she was thirsty then I'd only give her enough to quench her thirst instead of the cup for the entire night. I'd also take her to the bathroom before she went to bed, then I'd wake her up and take her again before I went to bed. It's been almost 2 months and we've only had one accident at the very beginning. She's done so well that I'm going to try to cut out the second bathroom trip and see how that goes. Good luck!