You can go on the Diocese of Phoenix website and they have a class called Called to Protect (Safe Environment)... its mostly used for employees but they have classes for parents and children. I work at a Preschool (3 year olds) and its required we take this class. I found it very informative and you learn alot of things that you never would have thought of. Im not sure if you have to be Catholic to take the class but they are located all over the valley and at different times- the website provides a list of where, when, and who the instructor is or the phone number to the church office. I would recommend this class to ALL PARENTS! Hope this was of some help to you.
*some advice given in the class is to teach your children the exact name of their "private parts" so that if something ever does happen they can say exactly what was touched or whatever happened. They said it is harder for the justice system to try and prove that this nickname means that specific body part and especially if it is a very young child.... so no nicknames for private areas.