Unfortunately, stretch marks are genetic. If your mom had then, chances are you will, too. But, there are things you can do to try to keep your skin well-hydrated to try to prevent them.
Our dermatologist recommends Vanicream (a really thick, fragrance-free lotion you can get at most drug stores for about $10) for our daughter's eczema. I like using it during the winter, along with Aquaphor, to keep skin really well hydrated. I've also heard of people using Bag Balm, but I'd want to check with a pharmacist/doctor to see if it's OK to use during pregnancy. I know both Aquaphor and Vanicream are OK.
This is going to sound really funny, but I swear part of the reason I didn't get abdominal stretch marks is because I wore control top pantyhose during both of my pregnancies because of how I need to dress at work. I'd just buy them at the store in 1 size larger, and it kept me nice and constricted. Who knows if there's any truth to it, but I don't have any on my abdomen.
Good luck!