S., she could be nervous, when she asks questions, or has a statement when she expresses herself, if she got yelled at, it could cause her to be a bit nervous about asking it, and we all have done that at time or another is yell at our kids, she may be afraid of the response if that is the case, also, she may know what she wants, but is not sure how to put into words, just let her know its ok, and when she has what she has to say ready you are there to listen, she also may feel she is interrupting you somehow, and wants some sort of attention, usually stutterers, do more words than that, i have a son, who is very bright, his mind goes faster than his mouth can catch up with, so he at times will say things twice too, so take a look at what happens, and know your child, and hopefully too she will outgrow it, any way , have fun and enjoy life, D. s