I had a few episodes in the past 7 years where my heart fluttered and I felt like I was going to pass out. I was pregnant with my first child when I had one of these episodes and just thought I was over-exerting myself. The other times I just thought it was due to stress. Last year, I went to see my doctor and told her about it and they did an EKG and found that I had a syndrome called Wolff Parkinson White syndrome. I had an irregular heartbeat and was born with it, but never knew it because I had never had an EKG done before. I had a procedure done in October to correct it and everything went well. I'm not sure if this is what it could be, but I would definitely talk with your OBGyn about it and also your primary doctor and see if you can have an EKG done to monitor your heart and make sure everything is fine. Good luck!