Tampon Questions (Warning: TMI for Some)

Updated on August 11, 2009
B.S. asks from San Antonio, TX
22 answers

Please forgive me for the details I'm about to give but I just don't know where else to look and who else to ask.

For the last seven years, I have had little to no period. If I've needed to wear anything during that time, it was a pantyliner but rarely enough to warrent a tampon. Yes, I've been to the doctor and everything in my body is normal and my periods are completely related to my stress-level.

The problem is that (due to unavoidable circumstances) my stress level has been creeping back up and my periods are returning slowly. But it seems like things have changed (I'm 40) and now the discharge is thicker, almost a slime or mucous like, and instead of soaking into the tampon, it coats it. I'm finding I'm having stains on my underwear when I'm wearing a tampon but the tampon is not anywhere near saturated. I can still get away with pantyliners for the most part but there's times when I just feel cleaner (for lack of a better word) with a tampon.

Has anyone been through this and can anyone recommend a different tampon for me? (Gosh, this is embarrassing.) I've always used Playtex tampons and been happy with them but I'm wondering if there is one out there that might do a better job.

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answers from Austin on

I have been using the Diva Cup for about a year now and will never used tampons again! It is easy and cheap and I never have to be afraid that I will leek. I got mine at drugstore.com. Congrats on being debt free, we are just starting Baby step #2 so we hope to be where you are in the next few years!

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answers from San Antonio on

I have had a similar problem. I switched to Tampax Pearl and that one seems to be better than Kotex or Playtex for me anyway. Best of luck.

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answers from Houston on

Rather than a tampon, I would suggest a product called Instead. It is shaped like a diaphragm but instead of absorbing the discharge, it captures it like a cup. You would have to insert it much like a diaphragm but you can't feel it when it is in place. It can be worn for 12 hours and you can even have intercourse while wearing one and neither partner can feel that it is in place, but of course, it does not protect against pregnancy. I have used this product and it does take a little getting used to, but their website has a great informational video that shows how it works and how to insert it. It can be purchased at almost any drug store. I hope this helps! It may be worth the $5 to see if it is right for you!

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answers from Houston on

I use organic tampons, pantyliners and maxi pads. They are available at HEB and Target (different brands). I prefer the ones from HEB the best. I can't remember the name, but there is only one kind or organic feminine protection sold at HEB. BTW, do you get regular checkups? If you are due for one, then I sugest discussing this with your OB/GYN.

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answers from Victoria on

Diva Cup gal myself, was gonna recommend it, but see people already have. Just a bit of advise if you do try it. Clean it regularly with antibacterial soap. I use Hibicleanse. I started using it and began to get kidney infections. Finally figured it was the Diva Cup. Used to use regular hand saop to clean it and apparently for me at least, it needed to be cleaned with something a little stronger. Never had a kidney infection before or since. :) Best of luck. Oh BTW, I can't use tampons at all since pregnancy. Very uncomfortable for me and they leak constantly. Never had a drop leak w/ Diva and I actually forgot one day that I was on my period and had forgotten to change the cup from 6 that morning to 9 that night! Not recommended mind, but that is comfort!

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answers from Houston on

Please discover what is wrong. About ten or fifteen years ago, I actually had a neighbor whos daughter died from toxic shock syndrome from tampons. If you are not "using" tampons correctly, they can cause damage. I always thought that "they" were protecting themselves. There really is a reason why they say what they say...I think that having a foriegn body,in your body, is not normal. I wear tampons..but only to the recommended usage. If I am spotting...then pads it is....

Please seek a Drs advice,
Margaret :)

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answers from Houston on

Don't be embarrassed!! We're all women here & can relate I'm sure! So don't worry about it! I too have similar issues that you have & since I've been using the Tampax Pearl, Femtex Opal (generic version of the Pearl...MUCH cheaper at the Dollar General) & Playtex Sport version, it really hasn't been bad at all so far & I feel they work great to pretty much eliminate that issue. They seem to open up in a rounded flower type pattern rather than just growing longer like other tampons. I also like the new cardboard kind (Tampax & Femtex) I think they work well too. I can't tell you which I like best, probably the Pearl/Opal. The generics are only $2 so that's why I usually get them but they're really the same thing, different box. Try it & see if it works for you if you haven't already or you may just hafta try different ones to see which work best for you. I actually had to upgrade to the Super absorbancy after having a kid to avoid leakage, before it was the Regulars/Lites. Good luck!

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answers from Houston on

Bless your heart, I can understand your embarrassment. It's one thing to talk about this with your girlfriends, but seeing it in print is hard, isn't it?

Anyway, I used to have horrendously heavy periods before my hysterectomy, and I used O.B. tampons. They open up into a sort of "V" shape, and they're much more effective, even with the "slime" (sorry). Now, we're talking 15 years ago, so I don't know if they're even on the market anymore, but it's worth a look at the store.

Hang in there.

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answers from Houston on

Look into Diva or Moon cup. It's similar to a tampon, better than that Instead thing and 'green'. http://www.divacup.com/ or http://www.mooncup.com/ They run $20-$30 but life expectancy is 3+ years. It's easy and once you get over YOUR squeemishness it's really a great alternative!

Never feel ashamed to ask a question! There is not a stupid one.

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answers from San Antonio on

Good question!

Try the Playtex Sport, for those who move around a lot. It's what I use. I figure chasing around kids is enough of a sport.

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answers from Houston on

You should consider the Diva Cup. You can find it on line for less than $40, I believe. It is a little cup that looks like a diaphram. It catches all the "menstrual discharge". You remove it & clean it every 12 hours.
check it out.... http://www.divacup.com

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answers from San Antonio on

Hi B., like one of your other posters, I have the problem with tampons, i have never been able to wear them as they don't stay in, well they stay in, but they creep down to where they are barely in, and that's very uncomfortable. I too have been down to a small spotting period for several years I am 49, my doc says no problem and that it's wonderful that I just spot for 3 days. ( He is a well practiced gyno, and I trust him completely). Mine too have become more mucusy (sp). I teased my girlfriends for years, that for my periods my Kotex, was 3 squares of toilet paper folded, makes it to the next time i have to pee! ( They were always so jealous!) I personally don't think there is anything wrong with you, have you been on the pill for a long time like I have? That makes those periods turn to less than most other peoples. You may have to give up tampons like I did. Good luck!

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answers from Killeen on

Ok, I think since you have lighter periods maybe you are not aware that is what a period "looks like" The mucus lining is what is being shed. Most of the time I wear a tampon and a liner. Sometimes tampons leak. I don't know how often you change a tampon, but that may have something to do with the saturation. I use and have always used Tampax. I use the Tampax pearl. I have less leakage with this brand. Don't be embarrassed. We all have a period. I hope you this helps.

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Have a great day.

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answers from Killeen on

I have had this happen to me before. My problem is Poly cystic Ovarian Syndrome, I'm also in line for Ovarian Cancer. I would have never thought to get any of this checked if my grandmother had not past from Ovarian Cancer. These are not things that show as abnormal in a yearly check up. This is something that had to be checked for with ultrasounds.

I would have it checked out ASAP. I hope this helps, but doesn't scare you.



answers from Houston on

Maybe instead of trying a regular tampon try the ones they came out with for light days or "teen" with less absorbency. Not sure the brand. Doesn't seem like you actually need a full absorbency tampon with your low flow.



answers from Houston on

YEA DAVE! We also are graduates!

I understand your situation....periods really change, apparently for a variety of reason, once you reach 40.

I've also used and trusted OB's. They come in 4 different sizes, are compact and very absorbant. In the past couple of years, due to heavy discharge, I've included the ULTRA size - it works like a charm.



answers from Victoria on

i serisouly recomend seeing a different doctor. unless your weight is super low or high your periods shouldnt be this abnormal. i would find the answer. it took me three different doctors before i found a cure for my vag problems! but i ended up seeking a dietetion who found my phlevels were off. really why could my regular doctor just as quickly tested for this insead of telling me its going to get worse. i belive there is an answer for your odd periods ( perhaps eairly menapause now) but i would definatly find an answer. even if it means taking time to meditate / prayer. good luck.



answers from Houston on

I don't really have any tampon advice but I would have to agree with getting a second opinion. I had to go through 3 doctors before I found one that would listen to me. And even then I had to be persistent. I did want to give you some encouragement regarding your stress. I know that you probably know this already but sometimes we need to be reminded of just how much God loves and cares for us. He gives us plenty of scripture to confirm that. Here's just a couple that I trust will help to encourage you:

I Peter 5:7 "Casting all your anxiety on Him, because He cares for you."

Phil. 4:6 "Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God."

I realize that we all have to deal with stress from time to time but God does provide us with relief! These are God's Words FOR YOU! And His Word will never pass away!




answers from Odessa on

Hi B..

You shouldn't apologize! Mamasource is a great resource for all questions. Your story sounds just like mine. I've tried all kinds of tampons and the only one I found that didn't "seep" is Tampax Tampons in the cardboard tube. I've tried the new plastic silk tube but found that they, too, seep. I've always used a pantliner for my days of "spotting", but have found there are times when I need a little more protection.


answers from Houston on

I know talking about this stuff can be the worst! I have tampon probs too, they just don't want to stay in:( Anyway, I hope someone on here recommends a miracle tampon to you, because I will try it! But I am pregs now, so won't be for a while:) When I started having these problems I just switched to Always ultra thin pads with wings. The dri-weave stuff really is great and keeps me the most comfortable comparatively speaking. They really are ultra thin and while more expensive, I have found the off brands just don't compare. So if you continue to have these problems that is my recommendation. Best wishes!!!
p.s. Congrats on being debt free!! My husband and I have been on our Total Money Makeover for two years and are just about to start baby step three to fully fund our emergency fund:) We are blown away at what God has done and how much finding out about Dave Ramsey has changed our lives. I get to stay home and we get to do way more cool stuff than we ever did on credit with no guilt! So good job and thanks for the encouragement:)



answers from Longview on

i used to have that problem, so i switched to ob, they don't have anything around the cotton part like the rest do, works for me, hope it works for you too.



answers from Austin on

I have problems with certain kinds. I have been using the Kotex Super absorbency for a few years and seems to keep everything in it's place. CB

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