When it came out in theathers, i wouldn't let my 6 and 7 yo's see it. The commercicals whtere the bunny strains so hard to pass the jelly beans and yes the girl from big bang getting an almost sexual hug from the bunny turned me off.
We did end up watching it just last week and i was very very surprised that it was pretty tame, I assumed that the commericals were just a sampling and a whole lot worse was in store.
I had forgotten about the play boy part because he is just talking in to a gate speaker, you never see anyone.
The bunny hug didn't seem as sexual to me when i found out the girl was a sister and not a girl friend to the human male lead.
for the wee little guys like 4 you might consider the really scary phsyco chick at the end of the movie, that might cause night mares in the sensitve ones, but if your kid watches alot of movies than this one isn't all that bad.