Hi M., It's clear that your hormones are really out of whack, and it's time for an honest talk with your gyno. We don't realize what a victim we are to our hormones until they are unbalanced. I've never used the Nuva ring but any stream of synthetic hormones into our systems will cause symptoms, and like thyroid medication, it needs periodic testing to find the right balance. I can't imagine it's one-size-fits-all in terms of dosage, and it sounds like you need a change in dosage, or a break from the Nuva ring altogether. Your husband needs to be a partner with you through this journey to find the best balance for your body, and if that means he needs to use condoms until your body readjusts to "normal", then he needs to put YOU first, not his rejection of condoms. This is not all about HIM. Your marriage is a partnership and sometimes we need to sacrifice our wants and needs for the good of the other, and when health (and right now that includes your mental health!)is involved that's the time we need to step up without hesitation. Men are so off the hook when it comes to everything involved in having children - we do it all, and happily so, because of the miracle of pregnancy and childbirth, but BC is the one place they can share the responsibility. We are so sensitive to our changing hormones as men go along their merry way, and we are expected to carry on as if nothing is wrong, when sometimes it seriously is. Your body may just need a break from synthetics, in which case your husband should take up the slack until you're back on track with a rest and better balance from another brand of BC. You can be protected with condoms, and if you're nervous about it you can boost your protection with contraceptive foam for your fertile times. I know that can be inconvenient (I've done it), but it doesn't need to be a permanent situation. Not everything in our lives is an easy and instant fix. Your needs right now are foremost and right now it's all about YOU!! Good luck!