Scary, but this illustrates why I refuse to use Facebook, I don't want people knowing my business or trying to insert themselves into anything I may be doing. I'd try either making that part of your Facebook private (if that's even possible), so that only your closest friends and relatives can know what you're up to, or, you can create a new profile with a new username that she's unaware of (like a silly name or a nickname) so you can post your events for relatives to see, if you must do so. You can also try using another social networking site, like MySpace, Twitter or Friendster that she may not know you have. As to her entering your kids' room, why is she doing this and who does she think she is? My parents have a very strict rule that NO ONE is allowed into the bedrooms, especially guests, as that's a private area, unless permission is given. They can hang out in the common areas, but unless they are relatives, they are not welcomed to make themselves at home and snoop around every room of the house. This woman's being very rude by doing this, and you should tell her that it makes you or your husband uncomfortable or heck, blame it on your daughters that they will only allow certain friends of theirs (as in "KIDS") to come into their bedrooms. Teens are usually very selective of who they want around so this wouldn't sound so far-fetched. I would sever ties with her though as she sounds like she is very co-dependent, and she sounds like a user who has no personality. She must find someone to copy as she cannot make her own choices as to what haircuit or hair color to get or what to do in life. I used to have a similar friend, a co-worker actually, that would call me her best friend whenever I helped her out, but I noticed every time she got something from someone, that person became their best friend, hence why I say your "friend" sounds like a user. Honestly, if you're uncomfortable and irritated around her, there's no point in surrounding yourself with her, friends are people you should feel comfortable and happy around, not frustrated with, because life is short and there are too many people and situations that stress one out as is. Good luck.