My son did the same thing with his daddy at this age. It is completly normal, but proably seems to be more magnified to you. He would yell, I don't want you i want daddy. It was emabarassing. what we did was we all sat down with him, my husband, me and my son, and we talked about it and my husband reassured him. Is his real mother in the picture? It sounds like to me that he may have some fear that his dad may leave him or he may not see his dad like he does not see his mother? My husband made a promise to our son that he would never leave him and would always be with him (great idea about the shirt or maybe a special toy or cuddly) through the object. This really helped my son. Funny thing is now he is going through this with not wanting me to leave and not wanting his dad. So don't worry, and this too shall pass.............