If it is absolutely necessary, then at least go to a dentist who does the DIGITAL x-rays that are 90% less radiation! There are lots of them out there! Just ask.
What are your thoughts on dental xrays for a toddler.
Good idea? Dangerous? Very interested in any thoughts/feedback.
Thankyou all.
Thanks so much for your input. It is so helpful to hear everyones varying opinions and quite reassuring. Fabulous website!
If it is absolutely necessary, then at least go to a dentist who does the DIGITAL x-rays that are 90% less radiation! There are lots of them out there! Just ask.
My son's dentist said it wasn't necessary unless there were issues. So, we're waiting. He's now 3 and we have yet to need to do it.
I'm not sure about the danger element, but this is something that I think if it's not really needed then it doesn't need to be done.
The amount of radiation for dental x-rays is so minimal and they should sheild your child. I am an x-ray tech and dental x-rays use a very very low dose of radiation. Your chils would get more from a day in the sun or almost as much as flying in an airplane. The benifits outway the minimal risks!
I actually doubt dental xrays are dangerous for the patient, such low exposure. It's the techs who are around it all day every day who need the precautions. But good luck getting a toddler to sit through that for long. Still, techs in pediatric dental offices are used to working with little ones.
All the best,
If the dentist recommends them at that time, have them done. If you consistently go to a regular dentist, they will know to do them infrequently, but when needed.
My pediatric dentist swears that they need a baseline set of x-rays, but I knew my daughter wasn't going to have any of it. Based on a visual exam, the dentist agreed that it probably wasn't critical yet when it was first brought up. We got a partial set at five and just had our first full set done at seven. As expected by continual visual exams, there were no problems found in the set taken last week.
I say resist the x-rays until your dentist sees a visual indication of a problem. Regardless of whether the actual x-rays are harmful, having cardboard stuffed in your mouth is traumatic.
Definetely a good idea. My 2 1/2 yr old fell and knocked his front 2 teeth loose. The dentist did an x-ray, but since they had nothing to compare it too they couldn't tell how much they had shifted. The x-rays don't hurt, they only do front ones for that little so all they have to do is bite down on a plastic film. It's good to have them just in case!
My daughter didn't get her 1st xrays until she was 4.5 years old. We knew she had cavities so thats why they were done. I really think they are harmless. We have all been having xrays since who knows when. Lol. I would suggest only get them done if your lil one will not open his mouth for the dentist to check or if you already know they need work done. Good Luck!!
Theres nothing wrong with it. It's not dangerous :) Having x-rays taken on a child helps the Provider and his team detect any early or existing signs of cavities, or signs of early development of dentition, if he/she is on the slow or fast develpmental stage since every children are different in their dentition development. So having x-rays answers any questions that may arise or both parents and Provider may not aware of so in the later period and there's a problem, at least there's an existing record trail...hope that helps :)
What do you mean by toddler? if there is a suspecion of decay it is necessary to see what is there. If there is a problem of teeth missing, of course. Many times the teeth don't touch and a RDH or DDS can get a good view but not always. if there is any other decay in the teeth i would take them, the films are extremely fast and lead shields are used to cover the body and radiation is very low. A good operator will be able get the teeth covered in two films, one on each side.
good luck
We just had my 4 yo xrays done yesterday. Last year he wouldn't let the tech in his mouth. This year he had no visual indication of decay, but the x rays revealed 6 small cavities in between his back molars. So x-rays will reveal more than just a visual looksee. Our tech was awesome and my son did great. But we go to a dentist that specializes only with kids.
Why would they need to perform a dental x-ray on a toddler, I wonder? To me, it's a bad idea. X-ray is harmful enough to an adult, let alone to our growing and developing babies. My then 3-yr-old (now 4) had a baby root canal (pulpotomy) done, but our dentist never performed any x-rays.