I don't have the hybrid, but really do like my Ford Escape.
I like that our large dog can ride in the trunk (hatch back) area.
I like that the back seat can fold down all the way or just 2/3 of the seat for more space when moving large items. (Nice so my son can still be in his carseat and I can still fit a table or large stools back there for transportation.)
I don't like that I can't fit the big stroller I have back there w/o taking up the WHOLE trunk area. I had a larger Graco stroller back there, but I had no room for that plus my groceries, so got rid of the super-huge stroller. Our umbrella stoller fits nicely along with the bags of groceries though.
hope this helps. I assume most Ford Escapes are made alike. Mine is a 2006 stick-shift.