FYI all that is not up to date on this procedure. I had this done and it is by far way different than cutting and burning. I had one done where they go through the navel and put a band, like a rubber band around your tubes. This tube seals the tubes so that nothing goes through. If you shall change your mind later, say a new husband, God forbid, the lost a child, you can get the band taken off, tubes fused together so that you can have another child. As long as you have this on you will not get pregnant. I have had it for over 11 years and no problems. It's a one day surgery type thing. You do not vomit afterwards. You will be sore around the area so you can wear anything that will touch it. There may be a little tenderness in the area of your navel, nothing that tylenol or something like that won't take away. There isn't anything else you have to go through. Life goes on as normal, you can even go to work immediately afterwards, like the next day or so. The only thing to consider is if you have an issue with the anathesia. Good Luck.