Well I'm going to be unpopular and say,
#1 Don't read books on raising children because each child is an individual and need to be discipline as an individual.
#2. Hitting, biting, pinching, and being awful is a phase but you should nip it in the bud very quickly. You do this by being consistent in your discipline. I believe in giving one warning to bad behavior. If they continue it's immediate discipline. I put my 14 month old in time out. He has a chair that he sits in for 2 minutes. I stand behind him and make him face the corner and keep his hands in his lap. He cries for the entire two minutes because he's still young yet to realize what timeout is but he knows what is allowed and not allowed. After time out I tell him "no hitting. It's a no, no". He is usually a perfect child for the rest of the day. Your daughter is trying to see what she can get away with. She is waiting to see how authoritative you will be with her. If she bites, tell her no biting. If she does it again, put her in time out. Enforce timeout. Many parents will say that timeout doesn't work but it does if you enforce it. Be consistent. If she continues to bite after timeout then the discipline should be a little more strict. Pop her on the bottom (I pop the leg because they can't feel through the diaper). Get down on her level, never pick her up and bring her to you. Down on her level with a stern voice, tell her no biting and let her go. It will work if you are consistent and stick to it. Otherwise she will continue to do this until she gets bitten by another child. Good luck