I made these up, excuse me if they are lame!!!
For the girls:
Roses are red
Violets are blue
A heart full of sweet smells
Just for you
For the boys:
Roses are red
Violets are blue
The cure for stinky feet
A Valentine for your shoe
My children's school requests that valentines be homemade. We are sewing heart shaped sachets for the girls and heart shaped "odor eaters" for the boy's shoes. I need cute poem ideas to attach to each type. Any ideas?
Thanks everyone! I think Bug pegged it. Keep 'em coming.
I made these up, excuse me if they are lame!!!
For the girls:
Roses are red
Violets are blue
A heart full of sweet smells
Just for you
For the boys:
Roses are red
Violets are blue
The cure for stinky feet
A Valentine for your shoe
The lamest odes ever:
Valentine's rocks.
Valentine's rules.
Now how about some love
For the shmell in your shoes!
Valentine's rocksl
Valentine's rules.
Here's something sweet.
That doesn't break any rules.
Made you this Valentine
With a wonderful smell
So each time you sniff it
You'll be able to tell
It's Valentine's day
And here's some good news
I made something special
To go in your shoes
Happy Valentine's Day!
This was not what I was expecting, I was thinking that you were writing for your husband, that would go something like
Roses are Red
Violets are Blue
Better get me something good
Or I'm going to bury you. (Completely kidding BTW)
Roses are nice
Candy is sweet
Here is some nice for your feet. (that's awful, I know)
I wish I had your energy to do that! Great idea and cute suggestions! Good luck!
How about just a cute line to go with them....
Valentine, you're "smell"erific! Or "Smell" you later, Valentine!