I weened my babies off the bottle at a year. I think it is a good time and it went very smoothly. Neither ever "missed" the bottle. I also think it is good that you hold them while they have the bottle. I heard somewhere that if you always hold your baby when you give them the bottle, they will be attached to you, not the bottle. (Weening from the bottle was very easy for us, don't know if it is because of that or not).
Mine had 4 bottles a day, 3 with meals, 1 just before bed. We dropped 1 bottle at a time, starting with the "easiest" (I think that was the lunchtime bottle for us) and replaced it with a sippy cup with milk. Then 5 days (or so) later, dropped another bottle. The bedtime bottle was last, and I think I gave them a sippy cup with water for a little bit. We also read a book together at that time, so we continued with the book and the bottle was never missed.
I recommend the Nuby sippy cups for water - they leak so I don't put anything else in them. But they are a lot like a bottle, so I think it may help with the transition in the beginning.
It won't be so bad. I'm sure it will go just fine! :) Good luck!