What Am I Not Doing/doing Wrong? 6Month Old

Updated on February 11, 2013
S.E. asks from Caldwell, NJ
26 answers

my daughter turned 6 months almost 2 weeks ago . I always thought she was doing pretty well. She babbles non stop and is discovering new sounds everyday. Shes great with her toys, and figuring out things like "if i push this button, this lights up" she even tries to feed her sellf, and with a little help she actually does.. the only thing i was concerned with was the fact that she will not roll onto her belly from her back... but if you put her on her belly she flips right over - which i heard was actually harder than the other way so i figured no big deal(and on most nights she sleeps on her side- so i dont think its that she cant roll, she doesnt want to).. Well in the past week ive seen videos from friends and family of their babies doing all these things that my daughter is in no way capable of doing. I know, i know, you cant compare one baby to another but it makes me wonder if im doing something wrong, or theres something im not doing. If i sit my daughter on the floor she can sit perfectly fine for quite a while, but she cannot sit up by herself-you actually have to put her in a sitting position..and eventually after sitting for a while if she does tip over, she just lays there and puts her arms up for you to get her and sit her back up.. iveeven left her there and she makes no attempt to get back up, she'll lay there until she cries. She also can hold her body weight on her legs with someone just holding onto her hands to keep her balanced.. ive tried standing her up and making her hold onto something but she always lets go and tips over.
Heres why im concerned all of a sudden.. 2 days ago my cousin sent me a video of her son who is 2months older than my daughter crawling around on the floor, over to his walker, pulling himself up and walking all around the room, then going back to crawling over to his playmat, pulling himself up, turning the music on and doign a little dance. Then yesterday i see a video on facebook from my other cousin whos son is 3 weeks younger than my daughter and he actually rolled over in his crib, grabbed the bars and pulled himself up to standing (now granted, he couldnt stay up like that, he wobbled over pretty quickly, but he still did it) Then just now my friend sent me a video of her daughter .. we had the same due date but she had her daughter 6 weeks early.. her daughter scooted on the floor over to the coffee table, pulled herself up n walked all along the side of the table holding on until she could reach her toy to sit down and play with it
What can i do with my daughter that will help her out? There has to be something im not doing that all these other moms are. My daughter absolutley hates tummy time, maybe im not doing enough?? i dont know im just looking for some advice as to what i can do to get her interested in doing these things.. it seems like she has no interest =(
Are they all "advanced" or is my daughter a little behind??

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answers from Oklahoma City on

I can honestly say that pulling up and standing up at 6 months is incredibly uncommon. You're baby is doing just fine.

Here's a link to a mom's place where you can sign up to get emails about what is coming and what is now.

parentcenter.com or babycenter.com

I signed up for these when the kids were little and I enjoyed them so much!

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answers from Honolulu on

*ETA: she is only a baby but you are comparing her to others. And stressing yourself out by looking at all those other babies on Facebook etc. Then, what about when your baby is 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 years old and older? Will you still be comparing her to others and other friend's kids, still????
Moms can drive themselves nuts, doing this. Always comparing others to their own kid.
And just as a tip: Having a Mom, that always compares you to others... is NOT fun. It just pushes a child away. My Mom, was a bit of a compare-er. And let me tell you, having a Mom like that, is really a turn off. I was closer to my Dad.
Stop being on the comparing train. It is a vicious cycle... and it will affect the child. Because then, they grow up feeling like nothing they do is good enough.
Just enjoy and know, your child. For who, she, is.

It doesn't matter what the babies of your friends are doing or not.
Just enjoy and concentrate on your, baby.
No baby, comes out being just like in a book.
And just because a baby did something earlier or later than another baby, it does not mean they are better or worse or smarter or not as smart, as the next baby.

A baby, will do what they do, when they do it.

My son was speech delayed. But he was also advanced in other areas developmentally. But he and my daughter, are different individuals. My son had speech therapy. My daughter did not. But my son... has an astounding vocabulary for his age. Despite, him being speech delayed when he was younger. For example.
I never... "compared" my children to each other.
They are 2 different individuals.
With their own.... proclivities and timing to things.

If you habitually compare your baby to others and scrutinize your baby... to others, then you will not know your own baby.
A Mom will go nuts... if they always compared their own baby, to others.
Just know, your... baby.
For who she is.

And, even if some babies do things earlier, it does not necessarily mean they are "advanced." At some point, things get leveled out.

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answers from Jacksonville on

Talk to your pediatrician if you are really concerned. At her next well child appointment. There is a large range of "normal" for all of these milestones. A lot of them could have more to do with motivation and temperament, not necessarily "ability" as such.

Also, babies tend to focus on one thing at a time. If they are working on their communication skills (babbling) they may not be advancing in motor skills. When they are working on motor skills, they may not be doing much in the way of communication skills.


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answers from Dallas on

Listen, I have two daughters. One walked at 9 months. The other at 15 months. Babies do their own thing, and their own pace. STOP comparing your daughter to other babies, it's not fair to you OR her! She's just fine! Relax and enjoy her while she's little!

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answers from Green Bay on

You have heard wrong - it is actually harder to go from back to belly. It takes more coordination of more muscles all at the same time in order to go back to belly. Going from belly to back the baby can just give a little push and Wa-lah!

There is a big span that is considered "normal".

Strength and motor skills happen in a progression. She is not going to stand/balance if she doesn't have the strength in her trunk to move from her back to belly. Those are the same muscles that will help her push back up to a sitting position after a topple. If she still frequently tips while sitting, then she might not yet have the strength to go from back to belly. I would put her on her back and "show her" how to turn over. Grab her opposite arm and give a little pull and help her flip. Also give her lots of opportunities to play on the floor. I am not sure how much you had her IN something (swing, bouncy seat, bumbo, etc.) but playing on the floor is the place to be in order to develop those muscles/skills - not being "held" by whatever.

Let her play on the floor. If she protests tummy time, prop her front up with a small pillow/boppy. Tummy time is how they build those muscles and if you pick her up every time she fusses, then she isn't going to develop that strength needed in order to ENJOY being on her tummy...

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answers from Portland on

She's probably still well within normal range, which is very broad. Pushing over from tummy to back is actually easier for most babies and happens earlier. Good neck, upper body and arm strength are needed for the back-to-front maneuver, and "tummy time" exercises those muscles. Here's a good link that addresses your worries: http://www.babycenter.com/0_developmental-milestones-roll...

A wonderful way to encourage tummy time is to lie on the floor, with her face down on your tummy. You could even do leg lifts while lying there bonding with your daughter. Most babies enjoy this, and it could help her transition more easily to floor time on her own. Once she feels less helpless on the floor, she'll not dislike it as much.

And of course, mention concerns like this to her pedi to be sure.

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answers from Portland on

Please, stop worrying about this. Babies will get into the positions they are comfortable with. Do not compare your child to others-- they all develop in their own time.

At six months, my son could not sit independently. Instead of propping him up, I let him develop those muscles on his own by placing interesting items around him. He hated tummy time too. Let me assure you that he was a couple months 'behind' and caught up just fine. Started crawling at around 9 months, walking at around 14 -15months or so. You know, I never put his body into positions he couldn't sustain himself. This is to prevent injury and to give those muscles time to develop correctly.

Give your little one plenty of time on solid, flat surfaces. I never placed my son in a Bumbo chair or exersaucer-- just layered blankets on the floor and let him explore as he could. This sounds a little strange, but believe me, frustration and desire are GREAT motivators for babies to work those muscles.

We often try to speed up a child's natural development instead of letting it take it's time. By honoring your child's own pace and letting her body work it out on its own, your kiddo will do just fine. Relax. She will do it in her own time. There's a huge window of 'when' each child develops these abilities; don't let anyone else's kid make you think that your daughter isn't up to speed. I was patient with my son (who seemed 'behind' his peers) and he did just fine. He did what was right for *him*. Your girl will too.

PS- Please heed SH's concerns regarding comparison; it really is hard for kids. I don't think you'll make a habit of it now, right? :)

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answers from Dover on

First remember that every child is different. Secondly, what they don't do today they could suddenly do tomorrow.

Rolling from the belly to their back is EASIER than from the back to the belly (because they can use their hand/arms to help this is typically what they do first...not always but definately typically). Your daughter will figure out how to roll from her back in her own time. As for the sitting up or standing, be patient and let her do it in her own time.

My son did many things a little early but he didn't crawl until after he started walking. He would get in a crawling position and sometimes scooted but didn't really craw. He started walking at 8 month...completely independently (not holding on to anything or anyone before he was 10 months) but would revert to crawling when he was being lazy. My daughter crawled early but walked a bit later than my son (hey, she could get where she wanted to go so why walk?).

My daughter is exactly one month older than my nephew. She typically does everything before him. She was bigger when she was born, still is. She rolled, sat, crawled, walked, weaned from bottle and definately pacifier, swam, learned, read everything before him...not just before but earlier than him. But he can ride his bike w/out training wheels....he asked for them off and just did it one day. She asked for her off within a few days, problem is she goes to look back and sways one way or the other and throws off her balance. We had to put them back on. When she's riding, she's not even using them but when she decides to look at something while riding she definately needs them.

My point being that kids vary.

Give your daughter lots of tummy time and she will start crawling or walking (especially if you don't run at her every whim or whimper).

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answers from Austin on

Both my little ones hated tummy-time/crawling and only did it in spurts. In fact, I remember posting here concerned that my first was going to skip crawling altogether. She started walking almost a month before her first birthday. My second one would crawl a little more but was in no way better/faster than a friend of mine who’s son was only two weeks older and had a heart condition. My second also took almost a month longer to walk than her older sister– but you know what? When she walked she walked like a two year old. She never “toddled.” So really, each kid is different. You are doing yourself and your child a disservice to compare and worry so much as long as she’s developing healthy and happy. Sounds like you both are doing great! You will probably start worrying about her talking soon - don't =)

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answers from Miami on

Sounds to me like your daughter is fine and the other babies are fine as well. Every baby develops at his/her own pace and there is really not much you can do to change it. This is a great article about your exact concerns: http://www.janetlansbury.com/2009/09/set-me-free/

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answers from Austin on

Each and every child is so different. Your daughter sounds amazing. Very alert, getting lots of attention.. She can roll!

I did not walk until I was a year old.
My husband walked at 6 months.. So did our daughter. I am talking about unassisted.. Cool? Well imagine your 6 month old able to walk unassisted.. Yes, a heart attack at every moment for me.. She never crawled, she scooted. The moment she was born, she could, from that moment raise her head up and turn it..

But she would not potty train till she was almost 4. She did not learn to tie her shoes until she was 5 and kinder had already started.. She still cannot balance on a bike and is an adult..

But all of this is "normal" because, each child is different.

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answers from Dallas on

I would stop comparing your baby with anyone else. If your pediatrician doesn't seemed concerned, then you shouldn't either.

I know it's tough (I'm in the same boat right now with potty training-- why are kids younger than mine in underwear and mine is still peeing in her pull up???)

Most milestones are just a time frame and there is no exact right time to do it. There are areas your baby will advance in faster than others.

It's best not to get caught up in the comparison game because there will always be someone else's kid who does it better, earlier, and faster. Don't watch the videos of other people's kids. Just send them a response that says, "So precious!" and go on with your day. : )

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answers from Houston on

In my two years of motherhood I have learned one thing. If I start thinking "what am I doing wrong", then the answer is nothing. I am busting my own backside over nothing, especially if I take my concerns to my pediatrician and there is no medical basis. So unless you are locking your daughter in a cage which from your posts you don't seem to be doing, then I would say your daughter is just fine and doing things her way. Cut both of you some slack and let your daughter go her own path of development (unless she is determined to be missing milestones per your pediatrician, of course). Good luck.

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answers from Washington DC on

You're a first time mom - so this is normal. But know that you can't compare. Period.

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answers from Dallas on

If your pedi isn't worried, don't drive yourself crazy. At this age, the range is huge. Also, I wonder if boys have a different core muscle strength and might do some things earlier? You don't need to "get her interested" in these things "on purpose". Just interract with her, have fun, etc. Expose her to the world, be there when she needs you but let her experiment. Be her cheerleader :)

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answers from Amarillo on

I just read an article from my insurance company last night about what to expect from babies in their first year. It said that a child will hit milestones at a suggested time frame and that no two babies are the same.

Be thankful for what she does. When she becomes mobile and she will you will be wishing for these days. Remember she is only six months old and she is still developing her muscle tone. She will roll over and surprise you one day when you least expect it and then she will begin to push herself backwards to crawl.

Your baby will do these things when she is ready give it another two months and then begin to worry. Is she cooing and babbling and grasping things? If so leave it alone. Remember some babies don't like being on their tummies just like adults.

Don't push her she will do it on her own and stop worrying. I promise she will do it.

the other S.

PS Don't compare just enjoy.

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answers from Springfield on

You are doing nothing wrong! Your baby is totally fine. She is just exactly where SHE is supposed to be. If you are really worried, talk to your pediatrician about it. Truly, though, she sounds like a normal, healthy 6 month old.

Have fun!

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answers from Detroit on

all babies are differnt .. as are all people.. my daughter walked at 14 1/2 months.. my son at 12 months. my daughter crawled at 8 monhts.. my son 6 months..

they are both normal. there is a broad range of normal in developmental milestones. if you want her to develop these skills you can give her more time on the floor on her tummy. kids that are not down on the floor on their tummies do crawl later as they dont have the opportunity to develop the muscles. but it is not a big deal. she will crawl.. she will walk.. and once she crawls.. she will be into everything and you will not be able to leave the room for a second. it is a bit easier before they are mobile.

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answers from Chicago on

don't compare the kids. kids all do stuff at different rates. if she is a year old and still not turning over you have a problem. and not sure who told you that it is easier to turn from back to front but it is easier to flip from front to back. some babies don't sit by themselves til a year old. some start running at 9 months. my mom used to babysit a little boy who walked at 8 months it was like watching a little alien roam the house. he could walk under the tables lol. freaked me out a little bit. put your little one down on a blanket with toys withing reach. pretty soon she will start reaching for them. if your really worried talk to the doctor but I don't think you need to worry yet.

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answers from Seattle on

What your not doing is taking into consideration that

- Babies develop different skills at different rates
- NO baby develops all areas simultaneously.

- cognitive
- emotional
- fine motor
- large motor

Are the 4 main areas. (There are others, but those are the big ones).

Your baby is OBVIOUSLY working head and shoulders in cognitive & fine motor areas. (Tongue, throat, lips for babbling are all fine motor... Cause & effect, permenant, recognition, patterns is all cognitive).

The reason milestone lengths are sooooooo long (months) is to account for the fact that NO baby does all 4 at the same time, much less in steady progression. Instead, babies leapfrog around different areas, as their brain masters (and revisits) certain areas.

ALS0..... You're comparing apples and oranges when you start looking at older babies. WHY ISN'T THAT NEWBORN TALKING???? Is as silly a thing to say as "Why isn't my 6mo doing what an 8/10/12mo old is doing?"


There WILL be ovelap. Say the normal range is 3 months for 1 thing, and 6 months for another. That means a 6mo may be doing something BEFORE a 12mo old, and NOT be doing something a 3mo old is.....and.....be.....normal. Not just normal, but thriving, healthy, and perfect.

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answers from Chicago on

They all develop at their own rate. It does no good to compare them. Trust me, I compared my second baby to my oldest child's milestones as well as to my friend's baby who was born a week after him. My friend's son pulled up at 6 mos, and walked at 9 mos. He talked and did everything a lot earlier than my son. My son didn't walk until 17 months, needed speech therapy at age 2 because he wasn't talking...I was worried sick and was certain he was extremely delayed. He is now 7 yrs old and is perfectly fine and healthy.

By the time I had Baby #3, I knew not to worry about things like that. So when he wasn't rolling over and sitting himself up when he was supposed to according to the guidelines, I didn't worry. I didn't even worry when the pediatrician told me he'd need physical therapy if he didn't start doing those things within a couple of months. He did them at his own pace, and in his own time. He walked at 15 months and is now a totally normally developing 3 yr old.

You will make yourself crazy comparing her to others. And it doesn't end with babyhood. People still try to compare their kids all through their growing up years (academics, sports etc...) and it's just not fair to your kids or yourself. That's why people are individuals.

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answers from New London on

While I do agree w/ the Moms not to compare children, I would go w/ your gutt and ask a developmental pediatrician.

One of my kids did not like tummy time and walked very, very well just before 9 months. THere were a few other issues that concerned me. I brought her to an OT's office and told them what it was. I knew because I worked w/ that population of kids at the time. Although, my pediatrician told me I did not know what I was talking about. So, I found a developmental pediatrician.

Crawling does coordinate the 2 sides of the brain. Two of my friends have kids that did not do tummy time and did not crawl. An Occupational therapist helped the w/ my rec.

If your gutt feeling says you need to keep asking a few professionals, then, go for it. It is better to ease your mind.

Give her some tummy time and give her a chance to crawl. She will proabably crawl in the days or month ahead. Try not to be tense about it. Babies sense the tenseness.

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answers from Fargo on

You baby is fine...its hard not to compare... but dont.

My first daughter never crawled, but walked at 9 months.
My second daughter crawled but didn't walk til 13 months.
Im not sure when my third daughter walked....just kidding....10 months.

See, you can't even compare siblings. I will say, my first couldn't do anything fast enough....now, 15 years later with my last baby, i just enjoy her everyday, knowing she would eventually sit up, crawl, walk, etc.

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answers from Miami on

No, your child isn't behind.

Just put it out of your mind and stop comparing her. It doesn't help.


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answers from New York on

First, years ago babies crawled early because they slept on their tummies. They learned to a lot. Ne t my granddaughter is 7 1/1 months and does not crawl just recently is she tips over, she is making attempts to try to figure out how to get up. What she does, which I have never seen a baby do is sit ups. She goes from laying on her back to just sitting straight up!!your bab6 is fine. They are all so different. Boys are much more physical. Girls verbal. My gd babbles ALL day. I always say that the little boys will be hanging from monkeys bars, and she will give them a half hour talk on safety!!!! Hard not to compare ,I know, but don't do it. i used to babysit for a little laid back voy. At 10 months he figured out how to get to a sitting position. Then in two months he achieved everything, boom boom boom. Your beautiful little one is perfect and will achieve these things when she is ready.

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answers from New York on

Your child isn't behind. You can't compare kids. My first was pulling to stand by 6 months but didn't roll over until 8 months. WAY behind in rolling over and significantly ahead in pulling up. The same child was way behind in some milestones, way ahead in others, and on track on others. If moms compared their child to mine standing up, she would have looked ahead. If compared in verbal, she would have looked behind. If you look at the whole picture, she was fine. Don't be concerned about your child not looking like other kids, only be concerned if she's significantly behind in MULTIPLE areas and/or her pediatrician is concerned.

There is nothing you can do to make a kid develop faster at this age. They each develop different skills at their own speed. Have realistic expectations -- cruising (walking along furniture) is expected around 1 YEAR! Yours sounds perfect.

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