well, I tied the tubes... pretty permanent and it has worked as for 4 years now... you just have to be ready to be done!
I just had baby number four two weeks ago and am trying to decide on a permanent or semi-permanent form of birth control. What do you like, what don't you like and what side effects have you experienced? Thanks!
well, I tied the tubes... pretty permanent and it has worked as for 4 years now... you just have to be ready to be done!
Condoms. Never used anything else but condoms for 13 years. Never got pregnant until I didn't use one at age 30:) And now, for the past 5 years, abstinence:)
When I know for sure we are done - hubby will get a vasectomy. There is no way I'm gonna doing anything further hormonal to myself! LOL!.
Abstinence. Foolproof. 100% effective. (I know, I know...it's not for everyone!)
Mirena...first IUD I've ever had. Did not hurt to put in. Bled for a few days but nothing since. I'm also breastfeeding so I haven't had a period yet.
I have no complaints about my Mirena IUD. Good luck!
I love the copper IUD. As effective as having your tubes tied, but about a 5 minute procedure. No hormones. I haven't had bad side effects (the only one I've really heard of is bad cramping and a heavy period, but mine is totally managable). Anyway, I'm singing it's praises.
A vasectomy works perfectly well for our family.
The only side effects were a crabby husband for a few days.
Semi-Perm: Paraguard IUD (copper, no hormones) LOVE it.
What I like:
- Smaller chance of getting preggers than if I had my tubes tied
- No hormones
- Works day of insertion, through antibiotics, 24/7/365 for 10 years
- It doesn't give me cancer (I'm prone to high grade dysplaysia & cervical cancer... hormone birth control triggers out of control cell growth in abnormal cells... without the hormones the growth is so slow my immune system takes care of them no problemo -knock on wood).
What I don't like:
- I have my "normal" period instead of a shorter one from hormones - so 4-5 days instead of 2-3. NBD
- First 3 periods were super crampy (8 years ago)
I take a pill called Portia. Its generic for something...I can't remember what. I have experienced NO side effects! Its very inexpensive if your insurance doesn't cover the pill (mine doesn't). Its only like $20 a month. I also suffer from bad menstrual migraines. So I take this pill for 9 weeks straight, then on the 10th week, I take the inactive pill. I also barely have a period anymore! My gyne recommended a pill that you can take all year long where you don't get a period...but I thought that was weird so I opted not too. Plus it was a little pricey for me. I love only having a light period 6 times a year though!
If you want "permanent", I suggest a vasectomy. I hated my Mirena, so I highly recommend NOT getting one of those. Otherwise just stick with the pill.
Semi permanent = the low dose pill. No side effects at all for me (coming from someone who had horrible side effects from a full dose birth control pill).
When the time comes for permanent my SO will get a vasectomy. We have already talked about it and agreed, he has no problems with it.
Works for us =)
Are you breastfeeding? If you are, I would use the mini-pill- it worked well for me and really no side effects-took it at 9pm daily and worked great! If you are bottle-feeding, I would use the regular pill- I took Levora and liked it because it didn't make me break out or have break through bleeding. Same thing with the time frame. I found by taking it then, I didn't get nauseous. good luck!
We always used condoms. Dating and married. Only did the deed without when we wanted to have a child. I refuse to put any chemicals in my body to mess up my already fragile hormones (pills, shots, patches...etc.) and I have moral prejudice towards IUD because it doesn't prevent conception just prevents the fertilized egg (the human embrio essentialy) from implanting...that would trouble me deeply...
My husband is so used to condoms from his singlehood days that they feel like second skin to him :))
Neither one of us want to have any surgery. So we are happy with the choice.
Vasectomy works great for me.
Neuva ring is out of sight out of mind for the time it is inserted then it gets taken out and a period happens and a new one is put in. It works at the source and isn't so invasive on the whole body/system.
For permanent BC investigate the Essure procedure. It is a slim item put in to the tubes and it had a medication on it to stimulates cell growth. so basically you grow your own plug. they put dye in to see if any leaks and it works very well, no pain, no issues of any kind.
When it was time for permanent birth control my husband got a vasectomy. It was a simple in and out procedure, in fact I dropped him off at the clinic and went down stairs to get my boys some shots, he met us in the shot clinic because his procedure was done faster than the shots. The whole thing took less than 20 minutes. He was uncomfortable for a couple of days, but now I am finally not having to pump hormones into my body to keep us baby free. It is nice to have that peace of mind, and to not have to worry about accidents.
tubes tied + abstinence = works for me. Side effect is sometimes worrying it took effect (lol)